Friday, Dec. 13, 2002

Mood: Hyper
Music: Okiya Ryoutaro - Yokogao

Mmm.... quite a few stories to talk about, so here goes!

True Evil:
This happened on Thursday, so I'm a little late. A nasty storm was pushing its way through Houston, making everything outside all dark and spooky, which was swanky (except for the part of me having to drive through it when picking up Roo. Of course, it clears up as soon as I picked her up. =p). I was manufacturing PowerLung's, as I always do in the morning portion of my shift. I'm all by myself when I do the manufacturing, so my mind is stirring away a mile a minute as I jam out to my muzak. Some of the music I listen to inspires me for my RPG and I think of different things for it such as scenes. So, one thing I like to do is act out things along with voice acting them (the thought of being a voice actor has crossed my mind several times). I was acting out the "main villain" of it and one of the things I said was, "The anger surges in my body, the hate flows in my blood.... ::yells:: Darkness, consume my heart!" (or something to that extent. It's a little foggy.) Immediately after that, there was a loud boom and thunder cracking, and then the lights flickered out for a short minute. My mind paused for a minute on how freakin' cool that was. So, I began to laugh (still in character) maniacally to finish out my "scene." I mean, what are the odds of something like that happening??? No lie, folks. It's true, it damn true.

Happy, freakin', Holidays, dammit!
Oh, yes, the holiday season brings out the best in us all (read with sarcasm). Not only are the retail shops full of rude ass customers, but so is the post office! See, not only am I in charge of manufacturing at my job, but I'm also in charge of deliveries! FUN and a half! Especially during this time of the year! WOO! Good luck finding a good spot to park, if you can find one at all. I normally give up on the Post Office parking lot at this time of the year and park across the street at the empty mall. Inside the Post Office, the line gets to be very long. Since I'm at the Post Office just about every other day, I know that in this situation, you wrap the line around, away from the door so that other customers can enter and exit with ease. So, I enter the Post Office and notice that the line is getting long. I noticed that the line was SORTA doing the loop around that you're suppose to do, but unfortunately, people were doing to where the entrance door was being blocked. So, as peopled moved up, I waited a little off to the side so that the entrance would not be blocked off. One guy got impatient and specifically told me to something along the lines of moving forward and to "get real." Now, so I moved up, angered at this guy's rude words and turned to my body to only come face to face with the man's chunky face. We glared at each other and I could just feel the tension between us over something as little as that. Course, I was pissed cause I was trying to do something good and this guy was just some ass clown who basically has to go back to whatever his royal chunkiness has to do.

That's the first occasion of happiness at the Post Office cause, remember, this time of the year is a joyous time of the year! I'm waiting in line, as usual, keeping myself a little distant from the lady in front of me, just in case she needed to swing herself around with the packages she was carrying. Now, the lady behind me must've had some crappy vision or was just getting a little too friendly with my young self since she did age older than sand. I say this because every time the line moved forward and I would step forward, she would be right on my ass (not literally, THANK GOODNESS), rubbing up against my back. So, I'd adjust my body, move to up or shift to the side a bit. And what does she do? She moves herself that TINY bit and continues to rub up against me. GAH! I swear, I was ready to make a bloody scene with that lady. I eventually get up to the front of the line and wait my turn. One of the clerks just finished with a customer and I waited to be called on as sometime the clerk does some last minute things or are about to close their window. I don't think the prune behind me knew that as she told me that I was next and "Go, go, go." This sparked even more anger in me. So, I picked up my stuff, turned to where I was looking at the unwrapped mummy from my shoulder, grinned and glared, and sarcastically thanked her.

Honestly, I don't like being told what to do by strangers, especially ones that are completely rude. HELL, I just hate the people from Memorial. If they have enough time to be like this just cause they are a middle-upper class area who always have time to yak about their summer trips to Europe, then maybe they can take a little time to learn what the fuck manners are before I have to go postal myself one day on all their asses. Bleh... I think the main reason it just upsets me is cause of one thing that I have to state. And that is.... I .... HATE..... CHRISTMAS. People change so dramatically because of this one damn commercial controlled holiday. Anyhow...

That's about it for the stories... I think I had other ones... Meh, oh well. Roo and I went out shopping, both of us acting like a couple of dorks. Well, I was more of major dork. But... yeah, that's about it. Mmm... well, I'm gonna go do... stuff. Until next time, so long folks!


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