Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002

Well, I don't really have much to say for today. It was just a normal Saturday as usual. Wake up early and wash clothes at my parents' place. Yeah, I feel like such a college kid doing this every week. ^^ Not much was accomplished. Went to the local Best Buy with me bro to waste while the clothes dried. Notice they have King of the Fighters '99 new for $10, so I picked it up to support the company. Man, I forgot how stiff the KOF series felt. Damn you Capcom for spoiling me with your fluent moving games! So, yeah, also saw that they had the new wrastlin' DVD "Hulk Still Rules." It was a struggle whether I should buy it and... I bought it. ^^; What can I say? I grew up on Hulk Hogan, so it's complete deja vu for me to see all his old matches. Plus, it's just interesting to see him as Terry Bo.... (uh, don't know how to spell his last name) the person, and not Hulk Hogan, the character. Course, it's just intersting to see any wrastler as themselves and not their character. So, that about covers my day. I might post something more to this later if something comes up. As for art, I finally got me some Microns so I could outline Kaidou. Here is the base color setup for him before I start adding all the pizazz to him.

That should do it. I'm gonna go take a nap so I can try to get the couch tonight from my roommate. Until then, everyone take care!


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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