Tuesday, Sept. 03, 2002
Nightmare Mode

Update: Comic. God, bad light effects, cheap background, and making fun of myself. All in today's comic.

Had quite the nightmare last night which has put me in a frustrated and angry mood. Normally, dreams have this dream aura about them, but sometimes my dreams would feel so realistic. Like the time I asked my dad when he wanted his $20 back. He kinda just gave me this blank look and was wondering what I was talking about. Turns out the day before when I took a nap, my dream was so real that I actually thought I borrowed $20 from my dad. ^^;

Anyhow, about this nightmare. I can actually remember almost every part of this dream since it is bothering me greatly. I was getting out of my car and walking up to the apartment. I opened the door and noticed that my roommate was home with my little friend as well as the twins, Josh and Abe. I asked them what was going on and BOOM, begin nightmare. My roommate snaps at me asking what I'm doing there. She just claims that I'm gonna be trouble and have no right of being with them. She then starts to yell that I'm "a complete idiot" and insults me more with what felt like every synonym of "stupid." "If you're expecting sympathy, forget it!" She ends with calling me a "filthy pervert" and storms into the bedroom. The little one turns her attention towards me and yells at me, also calling me different forms of "stupid." Her finals words were her hoping I'd just go away and die. She storms off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. I turn to Josh and Abe asking them what that was about. Josh shakes his head in disgust. Abe yells that I'm alway saying stupid things and just don't know when to keep my mouth shut. He sits on the couch, crossing his arms, telling me that I'll never learn. Josh walks up to me and pushes me out the door. He tells me that he's sick of listening to my problems and whiny issues. He ends his statement with telling me to never come back. He shuts the door in my face.

Angry, I punched the door once and went back to the car. I remember driving down Westheimer cause, even in my dreams, there are Starbucks. I arrived at my friend, Chuck's place. He opened the door and asked me what I wanted. I said I just wanted to hang out. He just glares at me saying that he doesn't want me to hang around him. He doesn't want to be used just cause of my own personal problems. He then gives me a shove with his hand and shuts the door. I remember walking off back to the car but not sure what happened afterwards.

I finally woke up in a deep sweat and my chest hurting. Infact, it's still sore right now.

Ugh... for a dream like this, it sounds like something out of a TV show or movie. I'm guessing things are just getting to me and I'm stressing. I don't know... I just had to get it off my chest and felt this is the best way. I'm very tired so I'll end this entry. I'll be back later with a comic tonight.

Until then, everyone take care!


0 mints on my pillow.

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