Thursday, Sept. 05, 2002
Mindless Ramblings

One More Thing! Is it just me but does Bon Jovi's song "Runaway" sound AWFULLY similar to Yuji Ueda's "Never Get Away" from the Fushigi Yuugi Seiryuu Gyakushuhen!! CD? I mean, I haven't done the comparisons myself, yet. I could be wrong. I heard it on the radio as I was leaving the dentist, so I was kinda drugged. Meh, anyhow, just a bit of useless knowledge, folks. @.@

Update: Time Up! Blarg! Was trying to get a comic up before the day was over, but looks like time's up. Don't expect anything tomorrow, either, cause I'm going out. ^^; So... uh, check back on Saturday for a triple threat of comics! Yeah! It's gonna be all BOOM at you and... stuff. ^^; Ah, yes, I don't know why, but I'm feeling really good and hyper and stuff. So, everything I said from this morning,... ::shrugs:: It was silly of me. I mean, feeling good now and all. I should have nothing to worry about! UWAAAA~~~!!! Kingdom Hearts comes out on the 17th! That's right around the corner! YEAH! And then on the 18th, I'm having more done from the root canal! YEAH! So, that gives me an excuse to stay home and play Kingdom Hearts! MWA HA HA HA HA HA! Nah, like last time, I'll probably be too tired to stay focused on the game. ^^ ::shrugs:: Really need to get myself a bandana. Stupid Kaidou. I wonder how much of a dork I'll look like with the bandana. If not a dork, a street thug. @.@ WAAAAAA~~~~~ HAHAHA!!! Hyper!!! ... ... ... blarg... Bed time.... stupid job. ... What? YES! I have a set bed time for me. ^^;;; I can't operate heavy machinery without enough sleep? ::COUGHbullsh..COUGH:: o.o ::listening to Kingdom Hearts muzak (Track: To Our Surprise):: A lot of it is so.... genki sounding. o.o Man, can't believe it. Went and bought the Rockman 5 Playstation version and I can't get it to work. Went and got the GameShark codes to bypass the lockout of the game and blarg! Didn't work! Turns out my GameShark version is not the right version. I think I have version 3.1 and it needs v.3.5 or something. Either way, I'm screwed unless I find another option, like a PPF patch file. Blah. o.o

Update: Mob Dad? I never did talk about my adventure to the dentist. Well, it's not really the trip itself but more of just the "help" I get from my dad. I specifically went to this one dentist my dad recommended cause of how gentle he is and... cause my dad can get a discount. ^^ Now, my pop is a part of a couple groups and he has that power to get discounts and special treatment. This gets my mind a wondering, what else is he a part of??? Is he a part of a crime syndicate that I am unaware of!? Does he work for the mafia? Hell, is he a mob boss in secret!?? My dad is really wierd... I just wonder. ^^ Mmm... that reminds me! Gotta make a comic about it. >D

Update: Dream TV? While working in the back alone with my thoughts, I remembered the wierd dream I had last night. It began at this outside this temple/tea house place during the afternoon. I was tossing one of those large rubber balls (like the ones used in dodgeball) with a friend. I could never really see the face on the friend. From what I could tell, we must have been at least 8 - 10 years old. There was a man, probably in his 30's, at the stair entrance to the temple/tea house, sweeping and I suppose watching us. A long black car drives up (possibly a limo?) and a tall man in a black suit steps out of the driver's seat. Me and my friend run up to the stairs by the sweeping man and look on. The black suited man opens the back door and a man in a brown (red?) suit steps out holding the hand of a girl in a long, elegant looking blue dress with white trim. (Whoa.. i can remember this. o.o) I watched the little girl as the brown suited man walked towards the steps. I then looked at the sweeping man and he had this curious look on his face. And... it's vague. ^^ I just remember later, I'm older and the girl is older and we're yelling at each other. And as dorky as it sounds, it was actually raining. ^^; She has a suitcase in her hand and is standing by a taxi. She has her last words and leaves in the taxi. I watch it head off on the street and around the corner. There's a short pause as I just stand there lost. I then scream at the top of my lungs something along the lines of wishing I could change things. And BOOM! I'm back to playing ball with the other kid, man sweeping, temple, etc. The car begins to drive up again, and that's when I woke up. I kid you not. This was a real dream, folks. ^^; Did I really watch that much TV yesterday? I'm feeling like my dreams are that from TV. Before you know it, I'm gonna have advertisements for cars and sodas and what not! Okay, so, if I have a dream with Momo x Kaidou OR a dream that has advertising, that's when I'm calling it quits in the dream world. ^^;;;

Blarg... Things are just not feeling right. Ever since the whole personal issue, I've been feeling tense, paranoid possibly? I'm not quite sure. My roommate and I have been talking at a minimum. Course, that could just possibly be because we don't really have any subjects to talk about. I'm just not sure. Even though what my roommate said, I still know that I'm at fault here. Gah, if I never screwed up and had such silly emotions, things would still be cool. Just having a good ol' time like before is a goal I want to achieve, but it seems very unlikely at the moment. Everything is just feeling so negative that it's hard to believe that we're best friends.

I'm stressing again over trying to hold this friendship. It's almost been 6 years and I'm not gonna throw it away. I refuse to be at fault for anything more. I'll find a way to make things better.

::scratches arm:: Yeah, I know I ranted again, but it's a real pain to keep these things inside. Meh, sorry folks.


0 mints on my pillow.

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