Friday, Sept. 06, 2002

What a fine and dandy waste of an evening! ::begin rant:: Everything was suppose to be cool today. Go home, have some pizza. Yeah, cool. Enjoy the pizza and then chill with some pals playing Soldier of Fortune 2. Sounds great. ... ::ring:: "Jon, we need 700 units shipped out by Monday." - Let me explain, folks. I'm in charge of manufacturing at my job. VERY often I run out of parts and the person who is in charge of ordering parts always takes his sweet time. Now I COULD complain to the owner, but that will be useless since the guy who orders the stuff IS the co-owner and seems like there's something going on with those two. I mean, they are always arguing like a married couple. Meh, anyhow, let me cut to the chase. A distributor of ours suddenly decides to order a butt load of units after spending a day with this guy not being able to make up his mind how many he wanted to order. So, with the great genius of my boss, she pushes his order immediately before everyone else and because of this, I have to pay the fargin' price! So, got stuck at work yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow producing these 700 units. Folks, let me do the math for you. It takes me almost 2 hours to produce a set of 50 bagged and ready to go. Let's see, that's 14 sets of 50. and 14 sets times 2 hours equals 28 HOURS!!!! ::huff huff:: Sure, I get paid for piece work which is slightly higher than my hourly pay, BUT I don't get any bonuses when working after hours like one would for hourly wages. ::pissed:: What irritates me even more is in one of our meetings, my boss brought up that the staff will be needing to pull in and might have to do after hours. NOW the reason she brought this up is cause I was bitching at her for her stupid decisions and me having to pay the price of my personal life for it. Well, let's see... 3 months later and I'm still the only one doing overtime. >.< ARGH, I'd quit the damn place if it wasn't so nice with the pay and convient hours. So, yeah... evening spoiled. Gururururururu....

I'll talk to you folks later. Take care.


0 mints on my pillow.

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