Saturday, Sept. 07, 2002
Too Slow

Update: Unreal Tennis. Damn you Tennis no Oujisama and making me want to play Tennis games. I went and downloaded a couple of tennis games for the Super Nintendo just cause I'm that stupid. ^^ One I couldn't get to work cause it must have been a bad dump but the other worked fine. Smash Tennis is okay except for a few things. ::pulls out a list rolling out through the door:: Okay, so I'm exaggerating just a bit. The game is angled overhead view split in half horiontally down the middle. It's hard to play this game when you're on the upper half of the court cause the area feels smaller and it's harder to react to the ball coming your way as well as determining where it's gonna go. The AI will have an easy time acing your ass. Speaking of AI, don't expect to win this game unless you have the instruction booklet. (As I didn't so I'm playing by ear.) The AI in this game taught me that if you think you're gonna win a game, forget it. I swear, it'd be 40-0 and the AI will kick in and beat that feeling of victory right out of you. o.o ... so, yeah... this game is kinda frustrating. I'm moving on to the Genesis and see how their tennis games are. ... ... I seriously should be in bed. ^^;;;

Well, I wasn't fast enough to produce the three comics that I was wanting to have for today. I do have 2 of the three ready for viewing here and here. I'll get the third one out tomorrow that will finish this little short story. After that, I've gotta get back to making my RPG. I've been neglecting it too long and I was on a role for a bit. Making all them sprites takes a lot of time, folks.

Not much really happened today. I was feeling really exhausted after work today and almost fell asleep watching TV at my parents' place with my bros (My parents' place is like the weekend hangout for my and my bros since they let us use their washer and dryer. ^^;). Oh yeah. My older bro who works with me gave me a helping hand with all my work which I am grateful for since it cut down the production time greatly. When were done there, we stopped by the local Wally-mart cause he wanted to pick up a few things. As tradition, we stopped by the toys and then electronics. I was shifting around through their PC games hoping to find any of the older Monkey Island games for my roommate (and myself cause I'm curious about them. ^^) and saw the Sonic R/Sonic 3D Blast bundle back. I thought to myself, "Gee, I wish for once they had the Sonic Collection." Walked over a little more and gadzooks! There it was all by itself, looking at me, screaming "BUY ME!" ... I was suppose to go in and NOT buy anything... ... I failed. o.o;;; So, yeah. We leave, check out the little food court that reopened. Oh, reminds me... gotta tell my roommate that their food court NOW has Nachos. Anyhow, we leave and hit the Taco Bell for a late lunch. (It's almost 3:30 by now so that's late for me.) Go back to my parents' place and chill. Blah, blah, blah, picked up roommate, went home and went to work with the games. >D ... ... ... mmm....

... Sonic CD seems to not be compatible with Windows XP ... ... ... ... There's gotta be a fix for this! ... Hmm... well, looks like the producer of the PC port is out of business.... Great... ... ... ... I KNOW! I'll hook up the OLD computer! It'll work! ... ... I need another multi-outlet... ... Blarg! I give up. But, at least the Sonic & Knuckles collection works! YEAH! ... Well, until I found a bug in it. See, the S&K collection gives you the option of playing the bonus level by itself (like with the games that did not work with the "lock-on" technology of S&K for the genesis). BUT when you play the games and lose in the bonus level, it takes you BACK to the Bonus Game introduction and NOT back to the level you're in! (I hope that made sense. ^^). ::grumble:: But, hey, I guess that's what I get for a $10 game bundle, huh? Meh, that's about it for my day. I was suppose to sleep, but uh... well, never did. ^^;;; I'll be regretting it later. Speaking of later, that's it for my entry so see ya folks later! Take care!


0 mints on my pillow.

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