Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002
Blah blah blah!

Not much to really say for today. I don't remember any dreams from last night which means I'm growing immune to my painkillers. @.@

Uh, went and got me a new fancy MP3 CD player since my other one sucked ass and didn't last long. My fault for buying one that's on sale and by a no-name brand. ^^ But, yeah, this one is all fancy with its shiny lights and what not. It totally kicks ass and ACTUALLY loads all the tracks properly and can shuffle through all the directories instead of one at a time. @.@ ::happy::

Went and got me the Lost Prophets CD as an impulse purchase when walking into Best Buy. Well, actually, the MP3 playing was the impulse buy. ^^;;; I'll be listening to that in a minute and stuff.

Mmm... comic updates will be slow now cause I'm starting a major Flash project with my company. I wonder how I can slip in my first Flash animation as a easter egg into it... >D

So far, I've done their webpage as well, but I'm not satisfied with it at all. I'm never satisfied with my webpages. ^^; Speaking of which. I was going through some ZIP disks of mine and found some of my OLD webpages from 1999. Gah, it had me busting out with the laughs with how crappy my stuff was then! Gah, so many bad graphics and filters used! The layouts were okay, but gah! I went crazy with the cheesy Photoshop effects!

Well, I've gots work to do, so I'll ramble more at a later time. Take care everyone!


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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