Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002
Ninja Tech

Blarg... my chest spasms are getting worse again. I'm afraid of when that next big one will hit again. Blah, there's still porn in my dreams. ::irritated::

NOW THEN! With that out of the way, let's go to the wackiness! YES! >D I really should have wrote this on paper since I wasn't able to use the comptuers at work this morning. Now it's all vague. ;_; Let's see... I was walking around what was a school of some sort with another guy. I don't know who it was. Another guy walks up to us and swings his arm around me, asking what's and saying long time no see. ARGH! And it was someone familiar, but I forgot now. All three of us walk into a classroom and take a seat. I know a teacher came in a presented a video of some sort... OH YEAH! It was some weird educational anime. ^^; I got up in the middle of it and left. I walked through the halls. There was this one classroom that had windows and something interesting was going on. I don't remember what it was. ^^ I walked in being curious. As I walked in, I noticed some guys dressed in ninja garb walking in the classroom that was connected. All of a sudden, a barrage of shurikens shoot at the guys. There was this one ninja guy dressed in white who got hit in the leg and shoulder. The ninja guys look at it and bust out laughing, slapping each other on the back at the sheer comedy behind it. They walk on and are out of my sight. So, I walk on over to a chair and take a seat. Things get blurry here but I remember another guy walking in who kinda reminded me of Tachibana from TeniPuri. I guess he was talking smack or something cause as he walked by, I looked at him and cussed at him in... what I guess would be Japanese. ^^ We glare at each other and engage in a passionate kiss! @.@ Nah, seriously, we stared at each other and we started putting the verbal smackdown on each other. It eventually ended with us in a stare down, face to face and he walked off. The class ended? I don't know, but I left and he was waiting for me outside. It some how ended up with us in a race. I dashed off and he came from behind. He then started to give me advice that I was going to fast to begin with and that I need to spread my legs out farther for better sprinting... or something like that. ^^ I just stopped in my tracks and he stopped ahead of me. We exchanged words and I guess we were friends in the end. He left and went on his way and I got in a car. ... ... There's nothing more to this dream really.

I guess I'll come back later to write more. See ya, folks!


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