Monday, Sept. 09, 2002
Rastlin' Rant

Update: Random
Just to let you folks know, the colored version of today's comic is now up. Didn't stay that long at my friend's place since he was tired. We chatted about random things and showed me Mafia. It's basically GTA but with old time gangsters. I didn't really care for the way the AI was set up in that game. Now, if I saw a guy mowing down people with an automatic, I wouldn't keep walking towards him. I wouldn've turned tail long befoer he reached me. Anyhow, the setup of all AI controlled characters didn't impress me. NOW the graphics, I was greatly pleased with. Very beautiful. Especially when it's being run on a comp at 1600 x 1200 with 4x Anti-aliasing. ^^; Yeah... played my friend in Dead or Alive 3 again and he improved vastly. It wasn't really entertaining on my end being that the record was 16 - 3. Yeah.... I got a few lucky ones in there. ^^ That's about it. I'm going to bed. ::yawn:: I better dream something wacky and not more smut. So annoying...

Great, it works now! Sorry, folks. Diaryland was giving me problems last night when I wanted to post the latest comic. So here is yesterday's comic! Also, I'm going out tonight, so I won't have time to fix and color today's comic. You can view it here for the heck of it.

So, yeah, I don't really have anything wacky to post. I had another dream with sex in it and it's rather annoying. #^^# SURE, it was me and some mystery girl, BUT I don't want smut dreams now. I want wacky stuff so I can have something to post! Well, something that's suitable to post. ^^; Maybe if I do a bunch of wacky things tonight with my pals I'll have wacky dreams! ^_^

RANT!!! Okay, what has happened to my good ol' wrastlin'!!! ;_; Okay, Billy and Chuck, the ambigously gay duo of wrastlin' are getting married. ... What has happened to wrastlin'??? I mean, it's cute and all, but I think it's gonna kill their characters. It's cute and all that they hinted at them being gay, but now that they are getting married, the crowd will find it funny but might get bored of their characters afterwards. Vince McMahon (President of WWE) normally makes big moves to get ratings, but normally they backfire. I like Billy and Chuck the tag team that hinted at their sexuallity but now this... Meh. I see another tag team break up. WWE is good at doing that.

What happened to the good old days when WWE had good stuff like the Undertaker as the creepy unstoppable zombie-like character. Now he's some biker gang guy talking about his "yard" which no one gives a damn about. How about HHH? Once a sophisticated aristocrat that fans hated because of how much of a snob he was. Now he's "The Game" who carries a sledgehammer and is suppose to be the greatest thing there is. I'm not really buying it. What happened to the days where almost everyone had a gimmick? I mean, the wrastlin' evil Clown was cool. Or how about the dreaded Jake "the Snake" Roberts and his wicked snakes? Sure, now he's a drunken man of God always bitching at the internet fandom, but back then, he was cool. I know not all gimmicks worked, like the wrastlin' plumber or baseball player... hell, anyone remember the Goon? The evil hockey player? But what about ones that were gold? The Big Boss Man, Ahkem the African Dream, Earthquake (who kicked ass, especially when teamed with Typhoon [once good guy, Tugboat] to make the tag team, "the Natural Disasters"), Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (who also kicked ass) and many others? Hell, back then, almost everyone had a manager and they actually served a purpose and were useful back then. I mean, Bobby "the Brain" Heenan and Slick were the greatest of villain managers! Now we just have managers or valets that are there just for looks. ::sigh:: I feel like renting old wrastlin' videos. ^^ Well, had to rant on nostalgia. At least it was something. ^^

I'l catch you folks later! Take care! ^_^


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