Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002

Uh, yeah. No character descriptions, yet. My arm is feeling better, so that's good, thought I didn't get much done tonight. That's mainly because I spent the night watching wrastlin' with the ladies. ^^ I find it very amusing that the girls are watching it with me, but I'm a dork like that. Started to CG that Yuiko pic, but got stuck on the hair, so decided to call it the night on that.

I have no clue why, but I started to sorta RP with Steph, playing (horribly) as Sengoku from Tennis no Oujisama. I don't feel like I'm doing him justice, though. ^^; Everything is luck this and luck that, but I'm having a hard time making out his character. Guess I'll need more episodes with him to better understand the lad. I'm sure our RP will go somewhere besides sounding like some bad romance novel. #^^# Er, well, if we continue. I'm new at this. ^^

Well, until next time, you all take care and see ya!


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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