Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002
This is Halloween!

Though it is Halloween, it's not really all that eventful of a day for a person like me. So, then, what do I have to talk about today? Well, you see, the almighty Little One told me about this AU (alternate universe) where everyone is of the opposite sex. I forgot what led up to it, (wow, me forgetting. that's a new one. -_-) but I found out that I was a detective, which I thought was rather swanky. Well, the idea wouldn't leave me alone. Soon, story ideas started flowing through my head of how I could possible go off on it. And, it made me think of something stupid like this.

I had to know more, though I told Steph not to tell me more. ^^ So, she told me what she could since I haven't really showed up in their own little universe except once. I know how sick you two are seeing me in real life girls to keep me out of the fictional one. =p j/k. So, I'm some kinda of brooding goth detective chick. Sounds cool. So, I try drawing something that would work, but I had a heck of a time thinking of something. I became frustrated and gave up. But, then, this afternoon, inspiration came to me in the form of Roo. ... Shut up, pervs. -_- ANYHOW, she was all dressed up in a semi-goth look which was the exact image I was looked for. ... Well, sorta... I guess.... WELL, it was perfect for me! She didn't want any pictures taken of her in the outfit, but you can see what the inspiration led to. I drew this after dropping her off at her job during my lunch break. It's missing the trench coat and I will adjust the hair style to something a little more ... original? Plus, will modify her headgear, as well. ... ... ::sniff:: I wish I could grow my hair out. @.@ Anyhow, you all take care! I'm off to play DDRMAX! >D


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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