Friday, Nov. 08, 2002

Status: Good
Sound: Music Off

Well, since I know you read this Roo, again, I apologize for my behavior. I was completely misunderstanding and, hell, paranoid I guess, but I'll be more open minded now and hope we can return to how things were when we first moved in. Though, I forgot to say yesterday, I was not aware that I was being encouraged. ^^; ::dense::

Great, now that I'm done flushing away my stupidity and ignorance, let me welcome you to, yet again, a new diary layout! Again, RPG related, but to my original RPG in which I have been slowly working on. Now, the only problem with it is the number of images required to load, which takes at least 14 seconds on a 28.9 modem, IF the server is being nice. The Kingdom Hearts layout wore out its welcome. ^^ Oh yeah, I now hae one those "What music playing" thing is all, too, and likes, dislikes, etc, and stuff! Stealing from others? ... ::sheepish:: possibly. ^^ So, yeah, now that I have this out of the way, I'm going to go back and try my stuff at the personal page business again. I mean, at least to post art or something... well,... TRY to motivate myself to do art... I mean, what? Spent $400 on that tablet as motivation and it just collects dust? Aye, ... this is why you're losing your skill, Jon-boy.

As for my RPG, I've been busy working on the battle animations, which is very hard work, mainly cause it's very tedious work. So, I've decided, screw the battle stuff for now. Create all the maps and town people and get some story done, first! That'll be the easy part. Plus, then I'll be able to release a demo. My only issue is, I have two different story ideas, but don't know which one to go with. Guess I'll need to post them both soon and get you opinion. Well... if anyone really reads my diary besides my friends. PUBLICITY! ::throws out fliers::

Blarg! Where is my Mattitude shirt! I must have get it so I, too, can become a student of Mattitude before I suffer a Twist of Fate! GAH! Matt Hardy kicks ass! >D He likes English Muffins, you know. o.o

Well, I better stop now... What? YES! I have a job.. ... ... ... Really! I do. o.o

Until next time, everyone take care!


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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