Sunday, Nov. 10, 2002
Productivity At Its Finest!

Status: Good
Sound: Sting - Fields of Gold

Yup, yet another productive day. I woke up this morning, fiddled around with my diary set up and made that previous entry. Woke up Roo this morning as I was preparing to leave. I took one good look at her hair and couldn't resist chuckling to myself. I made the comment that it looked like a train wrecked into her hair. Being half awake and half asleep, she thought I said that a train wrecked into the house. ^^ Yes, I just nodded and corrected her. Heee~~~! I just wanted to rub my hand in her hair. >D So, I told her to just go back to sleep and she agreed without hesitation. I went on my way, got the laundry, and made the usual stop by the convience store for some Choco Milk for me and Roo. Returned to the apartment and back to the comp after putting away the clothes. Waited a bit, woke Roo up, and not long after, on our way to see the almight Little One for her mad sewing skillz. >D Steph finished putting the sleeves on my outfit for Otakon and gah, she kicks ass! Hee~~~! Can't wait for it to be finished! Once completed, Roo and I set home, not before picking up WrestleMania X7 from me parents' place. Once returning home, I prepared dinner and we watched the DVDs. ... that about covers the day. TRYING to finish my Subaru pic since I didn't know what else to do. So, yeah... I'm outta here.

Theme of Perversion

Status: Sleepy
Sound: SunnyVale - Broken Wing ~Thousand Year Memories~

Yup, yesterday was VERY productive. Well, sure, for my job since I had to go in. I'm very bitter about that. I mean, yes, I get paid for it, but I don't get overtime pay because it's piece work and not salary. Grr... I need to talk to them about that when my review comes up next week. I'm technically working more than 40 hours. Anyhow, I got my bro to come help me cause he's always offering his help and I normally turn it down. Pride? Maybe? Stuborness. Most likely. ^^ So, with his help, I was able to knock off a good couple of hours. Though, I was right, even with his help, took us about 5 hours to finish everything.

Afterwards, we went to the Best Buy so I could get some wrestling videos, "The Best of RAW Vol. 1 & 2," and I saw one about the Undertaker's old days, so I had to get that as well. $10? What the hell! Let me tell you, do NOT waste your money on the "Best of RAW" unless you're a "Stone Cold" Steve Austin fan. Since this was during his big prime, that was the main focus. The segments they showed for certain people dragged on too long and could have been edited shorter. I guess this way they don't have to fill it as much. Cheap bastards. It mainly covers who was on top in the WWF during 1997-1999 cause, this is apparently what was "best" to them. So, if you're looking for stuff about the lesser pushed wrestlers or tag teams, forget it. I knew I should have gotten the TLC video instead. BLARG. I've yet to watch the Undertaker one, but I know it'll be craptastic just by looking at the packaging and the price! >D

Mike (me bro) and I travelled over to the video store after that to get some videos for my mom. She's having severe hip problems and can't really do much, which sucks. What sucks even more is my bro decides to tell me LATE in the afternoon after I already had my mom do my laundry for me. -_- I need to talk to my family a little more instead of just when I want to mooch. We weren't able to find any of her videos, except on DVD and my parents don't own a DVD player. My mom sounded greatly disappointed. I'm gonna try and look for those vids for her when I go to pick up the laundry this morning.
Finished with that, I rushed my way back to the parents' place to throw Mike out thus so I could be on my way home. I SO wanted to just rest and chill. Once I came home, I started Chris, who I am assuming was somewhat awake because of some noisy brats and annoying neighbors. I jumped into the bathtub and relaxed in there for a little bit. Felt nice, except for the hot water not lasting long. Meh, I was in there long enough anyhow to shrivel my body. Yes, a lovely image, I bet! >D I came out and she was playing WildARMs 3. I went into the bedroom and started working on the computer. Not even 10 minutes in, I thought to myself, "What the hell am I doing." Why was I continuing to work myself? My body was already tired as it is. I stopped myself and returned to the living room to vegitate in front of the TV screen. I have no clue what the heck is going on in WA3 but I am just amused by watching her. I did want to question a lot of things like a inquisitive kid, but I knew that would probably get annoying. I refrained myself from doing so. After a few hours of watching her, I got a little restless. I wanted to watch my DVDs... but at the same time, I wanted to watch her play.... AND I did want to play Suikoden III... I was torn. ^^ She eventually stopped and she walked away. I sat there.... sat... sat... ... ah, screw it. Popped in the DVD and began to watch the crap fest. Once that was all said and done, I hopped back on the computer, read some gaming news and comics, chatted for a short bit, and went straight to bed before I passed out on my keyboard.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was my day.

What's up with the title of this entry, then? I'm getting there, you impatient folks. I'm going to tell you about the dream I had last night. Now, this is not for the young ones, so any under 18, please ask your parents for permission before continuing this entry. o.o ... are we ready? Excellent!

I have no clue why I had this dream, but for the sake of the second party in this dream, she will remain anonymous. Oh, wait... I know why I had this dream. I'm a male perv. =p

I was at the door of this luxurious house (which made no sense already, cause I know of no people close to me with luxurious houses) and proceded to knocking at the door. The female of this dream opened the door and we greeted each other. I stepped into the place and it was certainly a lot bigger looking on the inside. The place was dim. The doorway instantly put you in the living room. I looked around, the walls made of varnished wood, wooden tables and decorative couches were places in the carpeted living room. The main couch of the living room was that of black leather. You get the point, FANCY! We walked into the living room where a computer was stationed. I remember the conversation consisting of something about pictures that were needed. I hooked up a camera to the computer. But it wasn't like your standard USB digital cameras. It had a wire that came out from the camera and automatically stationed itself to the computer. So futuristic. ^^ I searched through the photos, though I don't remember what I was looking at cause it was all blurry to me. I turned to her and said that we would have to redo everything. She acknowledge it and told me that she'll be in the shower getting ready. I disconnected the docked camera from the computer and I guess time passed.
I found myself entering the shower where the female was still in. She turned to me, no words spoken. I scanned her body as she stepped out. She walked over to a cushioned table of some sort and laid down on it, face up. I guess I was suppose to do something there. ^^ I don't know but it didn't go cause I rememeber it instantly jumping to me on my back and she was over. She asked me if I was ready and I nodded shyly. ^^ That's right, I was very shy! SUE ME! She began to mount me when I told her to stop. I asked her that I wanted to try something. She agreed and I walked her over to the shower. We stepped in and she seemed to already know what to do. #^^#;;; She turned from me and got on her knees and hands. #^^#;;; I was about to slide myself into her anus (Fantasy of mine. Inquire at your OWN risk. ^^;) when the water began to rise rapidly, washing into her face. She pushed herself out of the water and we had to stop. Yeesh... nothing like trying to drown the woman. ^^
I happened to turn and look at the window... the MASSIVE window like that of a back door! ... I don't know how I missed that. o.o Or .. I guess it was a monitor of some sort, but anyhow, we noticed that her parental unit was coming. (I said her mom but the figure was that of male, so it was confusing. ^^) The female shoved me into a closet a deep closet which had doors inside doors. ^^ So, I hid, waiting, trying to hear everything. Then I panicked cause some reason my clothes were now in the living room and I was worried that they would be found. I did what I do best and that was spaz. The female, in a robe, came back after a short while and took me by the hand, out of the closet. She apologized. I was probably be beet red, having to hide all nekkid and stuff. Immediately after, we noticed the parental unit coming back. I just got out of the closet to go back in again. The worse part is, this happened two more times after that!
After the person left for the fourth time, the robed female retrieved me from the closet for a last time. We both just kinda thought "Forget it." It was too much trouble. So, I got my clothes back and we sat on the couch yakking. I woke up not too long after.

So, there you go. No real intercourse, just... wacky.... ... sexual.... wackiness. ^^; Why did I post this? Cause I can? ::shrugs:: Hey, you get to know me more than you want to! That's what! Yeah! .... .. ::cough:: Yes, well, I've done a good job of embarrassing myself, so I'll end this entry.

Until next time, you all take care of yourselves! #^^#;;;

0 mints on my pillow.

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saint purin
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