Friday, Nov. 29, 2002
She just complimented you, you twit!

Mood: Good
Music: Hamasaki Ayumi - Depend on You

Update 11/30: New Home.
Well, if you have been trying some of the images on this diary and they aren't working, there's a reason why. I moved all of them to my super simple webpage! Course, it only took me a few hours to create. -_- ... Well, that is all. Sleep calls!

Update: How many hours was it?
Finally finished CGing that pic I posted earlier for Roo. I originally had no plans to CG it when Roo made her comments of me doing this type of art. I was almost heart broken... ::sniff sniff:: =p But, yeah, when my slow brain realized she complimented me, I thought, "Dammit, I'm CGing this bitch!" >D This is my first real CG in... gah, I don't know. It's been a while. ^^ It came out alright, I guess. Either way, here is the finished product. I also have the file with its original colors. I hope you folks enjoy. I'm gonna hit the hay now. -_-...zzz ... zzz ...zzz

Original Post:
Okay, so I lied. I do have an actual post for today. Why? Well, sit down and let me tell you a little story. It was us trio out for dinner cause I had a crappy day and they work in retail. For those of you who have been living under a rock, after Thanksgiving, retail stores turn into Hell. Anyhow, Roo just busted out "crying" that she needs Sora x Riku porn and of the such. Well, the complaint was short lived but it stuck in me head. And when someone says something constantly, (that's reasonable, folks), I normally tend to do it if I'm not frustrated. A trait that I noticed that I picked up from my mother. ^^ Also,... well, I'm a sucker to be kind. This brings me to show you my latest piece of inked artwork. Sora x Riku for Roo.

After much frustration of trying to make the two look like boys and not men, I finally got the piece inked. I was very proud... sorta... Sora was o~kay~ looking but I was not satisfied with Riku. Also, I had a hard time putting him in that position. I mean, drawing him in that position. =p Also had a hard time with the Sora's clothes since I haven't really studied folded clothing. Anyhow, I show it off to Roo after I "proudly" inked it (minus a few mistakes here and there) and the first thing is, she wants to know what kind of issues I need to discuss with her. I couldn't think of a witty response to it... Yet again, another victory for the gal. (I moved on to cry in my little hole in the wall.) So, we yuck up a few words and she complimented me on my style improving. (I actually a little unsatisfied with my style, but why start a new when you can improve on what you already have?) SHE compliminted me! Normally she's crushing my soul and I'm crying! @.@ Course, my fault for selling it to her. Damn her and her shiny objects. o.o;

I busted out into the room sorta explaining why I did it. She basically puts to the point that it's creepy for me to do it since she's the fan of the stuff and I'm not. She says she doesn't draw stuff like that... ::points the judgmental finger at her:: LIES! Nothing but LIES!! o.o ::cough:: Anyhow, I'm going on and on, playing defensive mode. I sit on my comp, do a little work, bitter about her comments of me doing that kind of art and stuff. Then my gears in my slowly turn to realize that she did complement me and I didn't even thank her. ^^ Yeah, so slow am I and the fool I am.

So, yeah, sorry Roo. And thank you for the compliment. ^_^;

Mmm... still need to get one of those comment system thingies up...

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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