Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002
I'm thankful for my friends. ^^;

Mood: Sleepy
Music: Psy-S - Lemon no Yuuki

Update 11/29: grrr...
Not much to say for today. Got car back but my weekend is all screwed up. It was basically a wasted day. So, um, no real post.

Update: ::boing::
Uh, yeah... just woke up... it's almost 1:45 am... and.. well, I woke up in quite the embarrassing way. #^^#; All because of dreams. Honestly, they're getting annoying now. -_- Blorg... how depressing. ^^;

Update: Fortune of Doom
Oh yeah. Forgot that I had this from Tuesday night. Bro and I worked overtime, so we ordered Chinese. And being so, here is my fortune:

"With intergrity and consistency, your credits are piling up." bed.

Mmm... not really all that funny with the " bed" joke. Meh. And what credits? I don't get some of these fortunes sometimes.

Original Post:
Well, not really an eventful day being Turkey Day and all. Spent the morning drawing character designs, waiting to leave this afternoon to go to the parents' place to mooch. Called me twin bro to pick me and Roo up. Roo wasn't quite ready.... ^^; So, my bro looked around the house screaming "When did you get that" to just about everything. The sad part is, some of the things were when he was with me. Heck, he was the one who helped in some of my purchases. ^^;;; So, yeah, went to the parents' place and chilled in my older bro's room. Food was ready and we ate. My bro threw in a Troma movie called Tromeo and Juliet, and... well, for me, all that sex and gore was TOO early in the day for me. -_- Especially since we were eating Thanksgiving at the time. I didn't want to say something cause I probably would have been a party pooper. Where's the ability to read minds when I need it? o.o But, yeah... so then we chilled. Played some games, watched some TV and... ... mmm... Watched wrastlin'. It wasn't spectacular but it was much better than last weeks. Definitely better than RAW this week... RAW's matches were all horribly sloppy.

So, here I am... Now home. I honestly don't know what to do. I don't want to go to bed cause I don't want to work tomorrow. ^^ But, I really have no room to complain since Roo and the Little One work in retail hell. Really need to up my cooking skills. ::nod nod:: Mmm... well, gonna try to whip up a quick personal page. I'll post that if I finish tonight. Until then, take care folks!


0 mints on my pillow.

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