Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2002
X-mas stuff

Well, X-mas is over. The big build-up to one day and boom, it's forgotten. Thank goodness! Got me a plenty of CDs, which makes me happy. My music collection has grown vastly in just the past month. ^_^ My parents also got me a bunch of clothes, which is good. Especially pajamas. I had 4 sets and they 3 of them disappeared. >.< ::looks at twin bro:: My papa also got me a power drill. Time to start taking things apart! >D WOO~! Um, but, yeah, that's about it.
Me, Roo, Steph's bro and dad, and Abe all chipped in to get her a PS2 and a memory card. Roo then wanted to get her both Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts. I thought heck no. Don't you take all the glory. She's my friend, too. =p So, I got her FFX and Roo got her Kingdom Hearts. I got Roo the Lord of the Rings Super Duper Expanded Stuff All You Can Edition. She was surprised by it cause she had no clue about the special plantinum edition that came with bookends and what not. She just knew of the 4-DVD set. So, score for Jon! Yeah! >D Course, I did tell a little white lie that I returned it. Yet, this year, I couldn't hold out to surprise her on X-mas day. ^^ Meh. She got it. She seemed happy with it. =p Got my older bro some CDs from his weird indie bands. And my twin bro... Gave him my copy of Kingdom Hearts since I didn't want to get it back from him. I guess I'll cut him a check to even things out. For my papa, I got him a soundtrack CD to Glory and a bunch of hand clamps for his woodworking projects. And for my mother, my bros and I all got together to get her a new picture of us. ... And everyone made fun of me cause I can't really smile when I think I am. ;_; So, when people say I need to smile more, guess what!? I was! ;_; ::crawls into a hole and dies::
That about covers my X-mas, besides the usual leeching off the parents. Go us! ^^

Bleh... can't pull myself to draw or CG anymore. I was on such a roll and now, I just can't do it. Blorg... Guess I could possibly work on sprites for me RPG. If I can motivate myself for that, too. ^^;

Gah, Roo was up late hours last night playing Suikoden III. Man, she's gonna beat that game before me just like Kingdom Hearts. ^^;;;

Mmm... can't wait to get the 2-bedroom. I feel this sense of unwantedness when in the same room as Roo. Especially since her bed is in the living room, too. ^^ The lease expires very soon, so that's good. Getting that 2-bedroom is gonna do us a lot of good. I can't help from feeling like a burden at times. >.<

Um, yeah... happy christmas and stuff. Thank you to my family and friends for the gifts and stuff. That's about it. I really don't feel like blogging much else. Bleh...


0 mints on my pillow.

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