Saturday, Jan. 04, 2003
Saturday Stuff

Update: New Layout
Oh, yes, if you haven't noticed, I got the new layout done. ^^; I was up till 4:00am working on this, tweaking little things left and right. But, yeah... I didn't get to sleep in. 11:00am? What's up with that? Stupid body... ^^; Well, anyhow, the new layout is not finished, yet. There are a few things I still want to add. That should be accomplished sometime today.

Mmmm... I guess I got some stuff accomplished today. Went to the mall this morning with me bro to buy me some clothing. Got me another pair of carpenter pants and then some pants at Hot Topic. Let me add that I hate being small. I finally got meself a new coat as well. I always wanted a duster cause I like their design over the traditional trench, so I got me one. Did I mention I hate being small? Mmm... that's about it.

Came home and took a shower. As I was getting out, I thought I heard a knock at the door. I heard it again. Then a third time. I knew it had to be the girls and I thought Roo had her keys. A 4th knock. Blarg! So, still wet, I rushed to put on some clothes, busting out of the bathroom, almost half-nekkid when they already let themselves in. Grrr... So, I had to get me some dry clothes and just as I got them, Steph takes the bathroom. ARGH! Confound you, little one! =p So, I'm cold, partially wet and stuck in my boxers. Then Roo had to make fun of me, stating of the horrid sight that was me in my boxers. I cried. Well, ... actually, I didn't. Meh, what can I say? Not like I ASKED to have hairy legs. ;_; And, no, I'm not shaving my legs again. That's a pain in the ass, like facial shaving. ... Curse you skin and your.... uh... your, uh... insensitivity! YEAH! o.o

The girls watched some anime, so I played video games on my little PSOne as I ate some ramen. ^^ I'm gonna turn into a noodle with all the ramen I eat as Roo does her pizza. Steph left not long after which freed my computer for some RPG creating.

But first, I took a nap. ^_^

I got a good amount of sprite ripping done. Finally got all the sprite tiles done for one of the villages. I stil need to do the inside tile works, which I hope will be easier versus the outside tiles. And curse you Konami for your irregular tiling system. I mean, parts are the standard 16x16 pixel tile, but then they have some special ones here and there that throw me off. Course, not like their games were suppose to be ripped anyhow. ^^ After a few hours of working on it, I got a really bad headache. I tried to take another nap, but couldn't do it. So, I took another shower to kinda relax me. Then I went and got me some dinner. The walk outside to the Jack in the Box actually killed the headache. Wow.... being outside.... does that!? o.o

I played around a little more with the RPG, working on minor things like the title and sound setup. Then I got distracted looking up metal music. Mmm... I'll never be a death metal lover. The music kicks ass, but the vocals always turn me off. I guess I'll forever be just a heavy metal lover. ^_^ So, yeah, as I was checking out the top 100 metal songs on, Fozzy popped up on the list. I REALLY do like their music, but.... .... Jeric... er, Moongoose really has that 80's style in his vocals and just... mmm... as I much as his voice has that nostalgic feel, it really takes away from the music. So, I guess I must agree with the fans, "Fozzy sucks! Fozzy sucks!" =p Nah, I still like you Jericho. ::pat pat::

That about covers my day. I forgot that I have a new layout I was working on during my lunch break on Friday. Gots to get that up.

Until next time, everyone take care!


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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