Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003

Song: Kawamoto Naru - Burning Heart

Oh, ho ho! Quite the BIZARRE dream last night, wrestling related. ::watches every visitor walk away:: HEY! >.< I'm just gonna get straight to the point since ... well, since I never seem to remember how my dreams begin. ^^ For some reason, I'm a wrestler, watching me... wrestle. Yeah, see it was me in the ring but I was watching me... like as if I was on TV or something. ANYHOW, I'm coming down to the ring with, what I can remember as being crappy music. By my side is Roo, my manager? ^^; She's jumping up and down, screaming, I guess getting the crowd into it. I guess I'm a face [good guy]. I know I was walking very stiff and... robotic like. Was I really Chris Benoit? ^^;;; So, we get to the ring, I walk in, do the stand on the rope thing and holler at the crowd, swinging my arms around. I get a pop. Roo is still jumping around like the energetic fan girl that she is. =p Oh, as for my outfit, it was generic long tights and a t-shirt with the buzz cut of mine. I think it was my Mattitude t-shirt, actually. ^^;;; Roo was wearing a long black coat, black shirt and blue jeans. I remember her hair being a redish, orangish, tanish color. ^^ My eyes are always looking at people's hair. ANYHOW. My ring entrance is done. Who is my oppnent? ... ... ... The countdown pops up and it was Chris Jericho. NOOOOO~~~~ I thought we were buddies, Jericho! ;_; His music didn't sound like... his music. Right, well, fi you saw the Royal Rumble, he's coming down in his red, shiny outfit from it. He does his ring entrance and I wait for him to enter. We go at it and wrestle for a bit. Roo constant cheering and yelling at the ref. ^^; Well, that part is true to life. =p Jericho takes the upper hand and proceeds to beating my ass around the ring. He beats me into a corner and leaves me a beaten mess. Jericho jumps out of the ring and grabs a chair from the ring bell guy. Man, even my dreams, the ring bell guy gets no slack. Jericho approaches the corner that I'm slowly pulling myself up from. Then all of a sudden Steph comes running down to the ring (remember, it's me yet I'm somehow watching me. ^^) and stops Jericho. I vaguely remember what she was wearing. I think it was her blue jeans and green coat. Well, I know she was wearing the green coat for sure. Right, she jumps in the ring and pleads Jericho to stop. Jericho taunts her by faking a chair swing at her. She grabs the chair from Jericho and fights him for it. She then pulls it from Jericho's hands and Jericho backs off as she threatens him with the chair. She pretends to take a swing at him but does a 180 and slams the chair upside my head. ;_; STEPH!??? I thought we were buddies, too! Jericho laughs his ass off pointing at me. Roo jumps in the ring and pushes Steph down. Jericho comes to Steph's aid by grabbing Roo, knocking her down and puts her in the Walls of Jericho. ^^;;; Roo is tapping and Steph is taunting. The me that's in the ring is just crawling around, probably wondering where the hell I am. ^^ Right... yes, I'm sure other stuff happened after that, but I don't remember. I do remember waking up and laughing at myself for dreaming such a ridiculous dream. ... ^^;;; Yeah... Honestly, there is not much I can say about this dream... well, it didn't have porn! YEAH! ... Just me being betrayed and having my ass kicked. ... ... ... wait, that sucked. o.o

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