Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2003
Fresh Breath

Song: Rob Zombie - Dead Girl Superstar

With the comment system working, I figure it's best to respond to you folks. As Roo would say, social blogging? Yah... ^^ But, seriously, pals, I speak to you everyday (and live with ya). So, those of you who I do not know, but you know Roo, or some other person that I know, let me hear what you have to say. Don't be shy now. I don't bite. ... I kind just... growl. o.o
Right, well, for those of you who are looking for comments responses, there is a new link at the top of the page called "fresh breath". This will jump you down instantly to the "social blogging". Well, again, all of ya, don't be shy. I wanna hear from you mysterious folks who are reading about my boring life. =p

This Day And Age
What is up with the people of today? Everything has to be rush, rush, hurry, hurry, now, now. Why have the adults of today become so impatient. Here I am, a younger person than these folks, and I'm suppose to be looking up to them as role models, yet they are so disrespectful. As, so:
Call #1: The guy calls in and he has a problem with one of our PowerLungs. He explains to me the situation and his problem was something not that I have heard of before. So, as procedure, if the situation cannot be answered over the phone, we ask them to mail their unit in. I speak as I normally do and the guy interrupts me, demanding that I stomp mumbling and articulate my speech. That there signal dickhead. From there, it went down hill. Everything I said would not please him. He whined about how he doesn't have time to go to the post office, that he doesn't have time to package our little unit, that he doesn't have time to take the stick out of his ass and go home, crying to mommy about how the girls hate him and he has no friends. So, anything I would try to say, he'd interrupt me in mid-sentence. So, I said fuck it and transferred him over to the boss. The guy wasn't even on hold for a minute and when I informed him that someone will be with him in a minute, he bitched about how he was tired of waiting. WTF??? ::sigh:: Even the boss, who has all the god-like powers in this company could not please him. She basically gave him two options: mail it in so we can help him or don't get any help at all. After 10 minutes on the phone with the guy, she finally convinced him to mail it in. We both just shook our heads, agreeing he was a dick.
Call #2: Wasn't as bad but still frustrating. Lady calls in, wanting to know the return policy on our unit. Okay, easy. No problem. She wants to know more on the product since the web page wasn't useful. My ass. >.< I know it is cause I developed it. She decides she'll order one. I go through the process of taking her information. She speeds through it like there is no tomorrow. I'm having to ask her twice for her information and I sinced frustration in her voice. Why is she frustrated??? I'm the one having to take your stupid information. I ask her for her phone number in case of any problems and I can hear her mutter "I can't believe these guys." She gives it to me at the speed of light. I ask for the last four digits again and she gives a sigh of disgust. -_- I ask for her credit card number. A pause. I sigh of disgust. The number. I eventually finish taking her order and she didn't even bother with waiting for me to say goodbye, like the kind person I am. ...

So, I'm wondering, were people, for their age, always this impatient, always this rude, always this annoying, always finding pleasure in harassing others so they can feel better about themselves cause Mommy or Daddy was their date for their senior prom in Pathetic, USA cause little Suzie or little Joe wouldn't take them because of a bad case of just all out SUCKING!? Man, I hate customer service.

f r e s h�� b r e a t h
Glad to have ya aboard, Hisako-chan. ^_^ You're the first non-friend to leave me a comment. Well, I'm not saying you're not a friend... or.. that... Hey, a squirrel! ::chases it:: You're actually interested in my RPG? The one that'll be finishes in 2009? GREAT! ^^;;; Being that I haven't really posted anything, if at all, on it, what makes you interested? Just curiosity? Bleh... I really need to start posting stuff on that, eh? =p Wait, if you're not sick-minded, then you should be reading my journal. ... ... ... Hey, come back! I'm kidding! Well, you know, when it comes to my PERSONAL stuff, that's why I always post them warnings. Ruaki? Who is this Ruaki? ::is crushed by the god-like-wannabe Roo:: =p My writing style? There's a style to it? I thought it was just plain ol' mindless rambling. o.o ... as like now. Yes, Conan kicks ass. >D I use to watch him back in the day, too... at 2am in the morning! >.< Infact, one of the shows, he came down to Houston to see if anyone was watching his show. LOL! He was at a bus station and who spoke with one guy who he thought was going to kill him right there. Oh, those wacky drunks! @.@ Then he went to some college dorms and woke up some guys, to see if they were watching his show. They were not. But they record it! Gah, Conan is cool. And it's the ONLY show I know of where the guests will make fun of themselves, like the "SECRETS" segment. Seriously, who would suspect the nicest guy in the world, Tom Hanks, to bury dead bodies in his backyard!? Yes, ... what's with elderly women and sex advice? I dunno, but... it's... ... it's.... yeah... ^^;;; I don't have cable either. Roo and I leech of my parents here and there, so... it's technically free cable, right? o.o; Tin can? .... OOOOH.... right..... Ehehehehehe..... ::COUGH:: ^_^;;;

Yeah, Ikari, Sammy, it totally bites. I could go ON and ON about my adventures at CopyMax where we had no manager and employees walking out everyday. Oh, and I was one of the two Supervisors. Fun~~. Oh, well, after I left, someone else took my place as Supervisor. Let's call him "S". He couldn't take it. The way he left though was classic. "S" walked over to the OfficeMax manager and handed her the keys and left for the day. She came over to the other Supervisor and asked him why "S" gave her the keys to the store. The Supervisor picked it up, looked at the keys and responded with "It means he quit." BAH HAH HAH HAH! ... CopyMax sucked. ^^ But, it's was nothing compared to the time I worked at a small, crappy, overpriced anime shop in the fancy Galleria district of our town. BUT, I won't go into that one.

Yes, Roo, my comments are working! It's so swanky! I think I'm going to enjoy it just like I enjoy chasing squirrels! WEEEEE~~~ ::POP:: .... now if I can only get the darn template to work for me.... @.@ Wait... why am I responding to you? You're right outside this door! o.o

4 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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