Monday, Feb. 24, 2003
This is a test.

Update: The easy one... wait... that sounds wrong. @.o;
Since I drew that other pic, I wanted to do another... So, I started to draw Jeff since he has a more interesting fashion. ^^ I wanted to know what his shirt looked like, so I went to WWE ShopZone and I saw the Mattitude shirt... the evil gene kicked in, so I gave Jeff the V1 shirt... and now I want to draw Matt in the background. >D ... God wouldn't answer my prayer to make Matt easy to draw, though... ;_; So,... in the meantime, since I'm a bit sleepy, here's Jeff:

Update: Bitch slap
I don't know how this happened. I was chatting with an online pal, NOT even talking about wrastlin' and all of a sudden, this image popped in my head. ... Well, Jeff was added just for the hell of it. ^^

Just giving the new look a test. Nothing else to really talk about. I know. My life is boring.

1 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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