Apr. 27, 2003
Ladies' Night

The Oystars - Nanka Shiawase - Honoo no Rekka

Roo: "You got a 75% style!? Whatever! You lied!"

She's just jealous, folks. Really.

I know why I like that first wallpaper of Hamasaki Ayumi! Pretty hair... Obsession? Well, when you have curly hair and can't let it grow out without looking stupid and have a horrid receding hair line at the age of only 22, you'd be, too! =p ... Right... Bed calling. Sleep. -.- ...zzz

Oh yeah, I forgot I downloaded this one because of her outfit. Gonna swipe the idea to make a character from. To me it just says "she-bitch". ^^;

No real update again. I'm really tired. I didn't get much done tonigh either. Blah. Just kinda surfed the web, looking at various wallpapers, to swipe high quality images from. Why? ... Stuff. ::blink blink:: I came along this one and decided to make it my wallpaper since I still had the eMachines logo for my BG. ^^ I don't normally oogle over ladies. Normally I am all "She's cute" or just do a silly "Gwosh, she sho is kewt, hyuck" like deal. Meh, maybe cause I'm tired and can't focus... Mmm... bed calling me.... Night.

I am 68% Evil

With a style rating of 75%

There is evil here with sufficient style to look cool

Test created by Jamie - take it here.

I got it from Hisako's diary. ^^

Something that has been bother me all day and that's the name of me RPG ("Last Destiny"). After much thinking of words and whatnot that seemed fitting, I came up with "Elemental Stage". The reasoning behind this title is the focus of the Elemental properties of the world and the reason I chose "stage" is because war is sometimes referred to as that. So, tada! And to go along with that, this is how I spent my evening:

The little black areas of the image are suppose to be the image to corresponds to the title's elemental focus. But, since it wasn't working out for me, I just did that stupid thing you see above. Hell, the second title didn't even get one. Meh, I'll deal with that at a later time. Though I don't normally talk about my story ideas and if I haven't said it before, I'm actually working on two titles at once since the series is suppose to tie all together. Plus, it's the only way I'll probably keep both ideas fresh in my head. I'm very forgetful. I still feel there is something missing besides the corresponding elemental image. Speaking of which, the two icons in these titles are suppose to be jewels, the first being called the "Teardrop" and the second being the "Rubyheart". I think the names can explain how they are suppose to look. ^^ Blah, whatever. ... It's late, I have work tomorrow. ^^; I better go to bed.

Roo: You need a life.
Me: I have a life. I just have too much free time.

Mmm... not much to say about today. I was up to 6am last night working on that pic of the Bob and George scene by Megami. Of course, I was getting distracted by the little things like constantly flipping back and forth between two online 80's radio stations and trying to find music by Cyndi Lauper. ^^; I finally finished the outlining this afternoon. So, if you look at the pic, it should be updated. If not, refresh your browser or empty the cache. That should do it. As you can see from above, too, I finally found a site that belongs to Megami and her friends. Which is good cause I couldn't remember the colors of her characters and was almost forced to spoil the surprise early to Megami. Hopefully I'll finish today. Um, there isn't much else for me to talk about. I really need to get to work on the pic. ... Um, see ya folks tomorrow! ::poof::

( Oh, sorry for not replying to comments. I'll eventually get to that. SORRY! )

4 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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