Wednesday, May. 28, 2003

Went and did a little adjust to the layout. Mainly the links because it turns out that Netscape-based browsers did not like the cascading style sheets implemented on these pages. Well, at least it's a little easier now for people to see the links though it takes a little away from the style. Meh.

I rejoice as I have received my Black Mages CD today! Yippie! If you did not know, the Black Mages is a group of Square composers led by Nobuo Uematsu and they worked together to rearrange various battle themes from Final Fantasy to sound like rock. I did enjoy most of the album, but I felt there was too much synth in it taking away from the rock feel of the album. Sadly, the synth is so bad, it sounds like you're listening to the original piece from the Super Famicom or Playstation. I'll do a complete review later. Here is the track listing for this special album:

  • Battle Scene (FFI)
  • Clash on the Big Bridge (FFV)
  • Force Your Way (FFVIII)
  • Battle, Scene II (FFII)
  • The Decisive Battle (FFVI)
  • Battle Theme (FFVI)
  • J-E-N-O-V-A (FFVII)
  • Those Who Fight Further (FFVII)
  • Dancing Mad (FFVI)
  • Fight With Seymour (FFX)

The only series that were not touch were Final Fantasy III, IV and IX. I believe it wasn't a big loss that these titles were not touched. The fact that they have all 4 tiers to Dancing Mad (almost 13 minutes long) makes up for the fact. Ah, Uematsu must have loved Final Fantasy VI since it has the most tracks (3) on this CD. >D

Alright, I'm gonna listen to this CD again while I begin my work on Millia! So, ... um, why not check back tomorrow (Friday) for the review. ^_^

Swanky! Bill Murray will be doing the voice of Garfield in the upcoming Garfield movie which makes perfect sense. The original voice actor of Garfield was Lorenzo Music and I remember him sound kinda like Bill Murray, though a little deeper. Kinda funny, cause Music did play Bill Murray's character from Ghostbusters, Peter Venkman, on the 80's cartoon, the Real Ghostbusters. Quite interesting, yes? Gah, 80's cartoons rocked. >D

... ... ... wait. Dear god! There's a Garfield movie!???? @.o;

Wah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I've changed the look again! I love and I hate it! I like it cause it's fast to load and it's different. I hate it cause as I look at it, it also looks like I heavily ripped off Roo. ... or was I just inspired? ... o.o; I dunno, but I am so HAPPY!!!

First off, I have updated my Millia artwork. I'm very proud of it to a certain degree. But then I noticed a few problems with it. Her hands are off as one is bigger than the other. Her breasts seem to be too low again as is my issue when drawing females. >.< And then her legs were giving me hell and which is where I spent most of my time. Then I had a couple of pals look it over. One pointed out that her neck is too long making her body look awkward to the head. I think I can cheat that when I CG it. Then another friend pointed out that one of her legs looked funny. I thought she was referring to Miilia's left (your right) leg. Then I realized what she meant when I looked at Millia's right (your left) leg. o.o; Bah! A simple fix, though. Other than that, they gave me props and that boasted my ego. >D So, that mad me all happy. I will be CGing it of course so that I can post it at DA and be all, YEAH! Take that!

Um... I think I had more to talk about but I'm so happy over this pic, who cares! ^____^

1 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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