May. 27, 2003

I need more emoticons. @.@ - o.o - O.o - ;_; - X.x - ^_^ - ^.^ - 69 ... Wait... that's not one. ... ::immature::

If Roo comes in my room swinging that sword and screaming, "HEY~~~~ Jonny!", she's a dead woman. ... If she doesn't kill me first. @.@;

Someone help Roo! That sword is gonna kill her!! o.o ::watches her fall over trying to hold her new keyblade::

Oh, yeah. It's the short haired Millia based on some official art. ::melts:: o.o;

::looks at his pic:: Did I give her enough hip? ::blink blink::

BEHOLD! My take on eye candy! I said I wanted to draw Millia from Guilty Gear and I did! HA! I did it! AH HAHAHAHAHA! I'm somewhat pleased so far. I tried my best to get the female figure by following tutorials. I was complaining about Roo and her figures but then I had to remember, she has had more practice with the human anatomy unlike myself. Practice, practice, practice! Course, let's see how long this'll last. ^^; I kinda like how the clothing is coming out so far (minus the candy). It's not complete yet cause I really should be going to bed. Yeah, I'm a wimp for going to bed at midnight. =p Criticism is much accepted. ::nod nod:: That way I can tweak it before posting the final product over at DA. >D Um, until next time, WHOOSH!

Oh yeah! Now I know why I want to draw Milia. I saw that official piece of her with the short hair... Gwarsh, shucks... I'm such a sucker... Hyuck... o.@;

I've been having Milia from Guilty Gear on the brain for some reason and want to draw her. But... drawing funk. Demmit. And the issue of making women look beautiful. ::shakes fist:: This is why I are in funk! Gurururururu. ... Gospel (Treble) from Rockman like girls. ::snickers:: I wonder if Forte uses him to hit on the ladies. @.@
Anyhow, men, no problem, care not if the look sexy. But want to draw a women that actually look beautiful. POO!
Oh, yeah. I have a job.... Meh.

Blah... Drawing depressing me. So many talented artists around me. Went and drew a quickie of Lock from Final Fantasy VI over at my DA account out of frustration of trying to do something good. Curse you lack of motivation! I need to go back to what Roo once told me and try to draw at least something everyday. No matter how crappy it is, keep drawing. ::nod nod:: I miss school and not paying attention and just doing nothing but drawing. ^^;

::Jon pacing back and forth through apartment::

Roo: "Do you need for me to find something for you to do?"

Jon: ::saying from Roo's perspsective:: "'Look Jon, see this shiny object? I want you to protect it!'"
"Ooooh~~~.... Shiny...."

Bleh, it was one of those moments you just had to be there for. ^^ Roo suggested I should make a comic of it. I tried. Roo was giving me trouble for once when trying to draw her. I give up and tried something else. That failed. See above entry. ^^

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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