May 20, 2003
I'm still here! ... I think.

B'z - Giri Giri Chop (Version 51) - Brotherhood

Saw this Diaryland ad for one that said "wordy, rambling, lesbian... ...pleasure..." and so forth and it has a picture of cucumbers. The cucumbers make me laugh immaturely. ... I need to grow up. ^^; ::plays with his Transformers:: @.@

Another night of sprite work. ^^ Sure, it means a lack of a journal entry, but at least I'm getting work done! I'm trying to aim for that demo release! >D

Gah, I am really loving the Fellowship of the Ring!

And ARGH! Went and read up on the Final Mix changes and additions and scripts and whatnot and... AHHH! I want a sequel! Give in Disney and give Square the rights! They already have plans to work with! Just let them do it!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Watching the Special endings again just make me... Scream like a fangirl? ... ... I need air. @.@

I like 80's synth pop! .. Figured I'd share.

Mmm... I guess I should actually update this diary thing, huh? Well, not much to really talk about. Been really busy working on sprites for my RPG. What's that? Progress? Yes... yes there is actually progress for once. Amazing, huh? Unfortunately, I am not going to show anything off because now it's getting to the point that I will have to keep all my works to myself until the time of a release. I'm aiming for a release in ... say,... 2036? GOOD!

But if you want to see pixel art, why not head on over to my new deviantART account? After having Roo put that gun to my head, I went and got one. =p Only a couple of pieces to look at for now. I'm sure I'll get more done sometime this century.

Speaking of my RPG, I'm gotten kinda far in reading the Fellowship of the Ring and boy is this getting the ideas stirring. Actually, thanks to this book, I'm having a better visually understanding of how my world should be. That is, for the time and place that it is set in. >D

Well, my pal Kristina has gone back to her college town in the cheese capital of the US, Wisconsin. It was fun the time I got o spend with her, but very brief. Oh well, what can you do, huh? But, I can't wait for her next visit... >D ... she made a deal with the devil and, well, it was a big mistake on her part. ::rubs hands:: That's right, Kristina, you belong to me! ... Now this is where she screams while holder her head, "I belong to NOBODY!" ... Just like Transformers the Movie! @.@

Things have been very quiet at my job. I guess cause of people going on vacations now and whatnot. The phone doesn't really ring and the offices are VERY quiet. On the positive side, it's cool cause I'm getting work done (which at the same time is fun, cause I'm learning how to use Macromedia Director as well as making some kick ass layouts for the webpage and book). On the negative side, it's so quiet that it's almost maddening. Maybe I need new music... Mmm, better make myself a new CD before I go to bed.

Argh, I want to put the Black Mages on CD but I'm missing two tracks! >.< And it's the ones from Final Fantasy VII. Blarg! If you don't know, the Black Mages is a group of Square musicians who have teamed up with Nobuo Uematsu to take the battle themes from previous Final Fantasy titles and put a rock/metal spin on them. It's actually not a bad album, but do feel that it has too much synth in it that takes away from the rocking side of the album. Meh, can't win 'em all.

::thinks:: Uh... I think that's it. I dunno. ^^; Well, I can always post later!


If there were they were a minute longer, Sammy, THEN there would have been trouble! ::jumping around, shadowing boxing:: ... course, that trouble would be me in jail. ^^;

You have to bring that up, huh, Pegasus? It's the truth! Me and Mike did save puppies. Us stopping at GameStop is nothing more than a lie!

Yeah, I read that entry, Roo. Excellent point and quite amusing. ::nod nod:: Equilibrium should have been a TV movie, instead of this Matrix knock off. That or one of those syndicated weekend shows, like Mutant X or Beastmaster. @.@ And don't deny it. You are a book whore. =p

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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