Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003
What's on the Brain

Sakura (Naruto) Work In Progress. As I look at it now, her thighs aren't as big as I previously thought.

Spent the night surfing MP3.com while inking Sakura (which I know I should not have as I made a few mistakes) and now I am ashamed to admit to liking some of those Top 40 Pop artists. Of course, as always, it's the female vocalists that capture me with their beautiful voices. I'm mainly thinking of Natalie Imbruglia (who is super hot looking with short hair ::cough:: ^_^;;;) and Michelle Branch. ... WEEE~! I'm almost down with Sakura! ... I think I made her thighs too big, though. Maybe it's just the angle... ::hopes:: ^^

Nothing new this evening. Suppose to be doing some porn for a friend but it's not agreeing with me. So, I'm afraid to touch my Sakura pic though I really want to finish it. I lack motivation again. Grr. But, then again, I lack in wanting to do anything. No sleep, though. ... I don't want work coming closer tomorrow. ... Damn, I'm screwed either way. ... ... SUPER BLAH!

People will sue in whatever way they can. Great stuff.

Playing Megaman Battle Network 2... ... I fuckin' HATE Thunderman. I was pissed after my third loss and was REALLY pissed after my fifth loss. I don't have my chips cause someone swiped them and I can't get them back unless I beat this guy's Thunderman!!! ARGH!!! ::smash smash smash:: x.O ... Oh, gee golly. And there's no strategy. Lovely... Grrr... You suck Capcom. >p ... ... Yes, another wasted evening. ^^

Every time I see the ad for the S.W.A.T. movie, I keep thinking "Alpha, I need a team of teens with attitude!" GO GO SWAT RANGERS!

Oh god, was this ever painful for me to do! Folks, I said I would do it and I have done so. I have scanned in the pages from my very first Kei comic! There is no dialogue though cause it was originally done digitally. ^^ Roo showed me the stash she had of my old stuff and I never knew I completed the second issue. o.o I'll scan in that one on Thursday when I can stay late at my job and use their feeder scanner. It'll save me a lot of trouble. ^_^

Damn... I suddenly want to redo these comics. @.o;

::looks at the link Roo posted about weird sex in the comments:: Though weird, this is some funny stuff. =p ... actually, Aardwolf's Guide to Masturbation Toys for Men might be useful. @.@ LOL! Alf sex fan art! HI-larious! ... In that sick sort of way.

Oh yeah! I've gotta scan those old crappy comics when I get the chance tonight! >D You folks will be in for a crappy treat!

Damn... just spent $100 on CDs... ^^ I got an e-mail from CD-Japan about upcoming releases, so I decide to just surf their page since I have been out of the Japanese music scene as of late. I saw Every Little Thing released their 5th album. ... I had to have it. o.o Then I noticed B'z was coming out with a new album, but it's only a pre-order, so I went and purchased the album before that. >D ... THEN I decided to surf their game albums. ... ... Nothing really interested me. So, I hit the Suikoden section and ordered the third soundtrack just to complete the set. So, ... Yeah! Go me! Oh, Hisako, I'll be sure to send you a copy of the B'z album once I get it. >D

Well, while beating my brains out at work, trying to come up with designs for the next release of the PowerLung webpage and other projects that require to think, my mind started to wander. Then I thought about the things I want to accomplish sometime in my life, no matter how old I may get. For starters, I WILL finish that RPG and make ten bazillion sequels, dammit! ... ... ^^ I also want to publish a drama, cause I'm such a dork. Dunno what way. Probably as a comic since I can't write at all. I'm just a sucker for thinking of sappy stuff, too. Hey, I'm telling you! It'll be a blockbuster! ... Really! ... ::cough:: =p

But, mainly, it's the RPG that is my biggest project. Well, more of just the story behind it. First starting as just drawings and an idea. Then it spanned into a comic for a high school project, which I failed cause I didn't quite get the grasp of the idea of... well, profit. This is why I'll never start my own publishing company. @.@; This began the idea of Ummei Madoushi Kei, or Destiny Wizard Kei. This introduced my main characters that I still hold on to this day: Mahou Kei, Tamada Masaki, Ishida Yuiko, Davias Vaughan, Koi Aglier and my fav, Deathwing. Actualy, Davias and Deathwing are the only two characters who have crossed from another stupid series of mine that was inspired by Ronin Warriors (Samurai Troopers). Yuiko is slightly based off one of the characters but is of stronger spirit.

After doing 3 crappy issues of Kei, the idea was dropped and floated for a while. I don't remember how long it was but sometime after, I decided to make Masaki the focus of the series. Ummei Madoushi Kei was removed as the title and the series was left untitled for sometime. I then began to write the series heavily based off of war because of Suikoden. The story still holds to the idea of war and fantasy but I kept on running into many problems. Plot holes. Why did this happen? Why did that happen? What is the reasoning behind this kingdom's ways? I thought long and hard about these questions, trying to come up with a history for them. Trying to explain everything I could. But, it was very difficult for me. During this time, I also learned about RPGMaker 2000. This is when I scrapped the idea of the comic and moved towards making the series a RPG. Again, Suikoden was a big influence for this new title and I finally figured a way to answer the questions of the story Masaki was in.

This is when Noah was born. I thought the only way to tell the story of the second one is to do a story that focuses on another cast leading up to Masaki's story. Thus, my questions were slowly being answered. New ideas spawned and the world in which Masaki and Noah belong to expanded. But, I still ran into bumps and walls. By then, Lord of the Rings hit the theaters. Inspiration hit me again. But it wasn't enough. The RPG was up and down, ideas changing left and right, styles constantly changing and the method of the game, as well. Things were still difficult. The second movie was released and the only thing I had accomplished by then was giving the name a title: Elemental Stage. A title given because of the series focus around elemental jewels and how war is considered a stage. ... You know, a crappy reason.

Months after the release of the second Lord of the Rings movie, I picked up the first book and started to read it. Inspiration filled me like I would not believe. As I exclaimed to Roo once, "This is the world that I want to create!" The ideas of Tolkien were very interesting and reading about the creation of the books made me ever more deteremined to think of ideas for the RPG. This man has spent a long time to make the books so I think I can put more effort into something of smaller measurement compared to his works.

The story is slowly piecing itself together and the game's engine as well. Some ideas will pop in here and there, but for the most part, I am slowly coming along with the key plot points. Soon, it'll come together and I'll finally have a story completed to make the RPG about. ... ... Aye, and this is all just for the first title. Don't worry Masaki, I haven't forgotten about you. You'll play a major role, yes! ^_^

Well, I think I've rambled on long enough of what's on my mind...


Yeah, doesn't it feel dirty, Hisa-chan, to know that they're 12. Well, let's just add a few years to them and we'll all feel better! @.@ Thanks for the comment about my Sakura pic. Yeah, mesh shirts: super sexy. Same here with as for reading the latest SJ in a day. Read it all during my lunch break. Yeah, I know the position of the first sketch it blah thus is why I was not satisfied with it. Yes, yes, ::nod nod:: I know. I've have come to notice that about my art. Especially looking at my friends' art. As I compared mine to theirs, I felt my art seemed... ::thinks:: um... well, as you say, needs to be fluid. Yes! One hand is currently down, though a little funky looking! ... Darn it! ^^ Yes, I know of the neck, too. ^^; BUT I'm ignoring that! Folds? ::looks at his pic again:: ... You think they are good? That's where I'm currently stuck on the pic. ^^ Oh, yeah, Naruko. ^^ ... Meh, The only action I draw is guy on gal (or gal on guy). But if it's requested, then I'll make exeptions. =p Oh, and a threesome of the KH crew. Face it! They're all screwing each other in some bizzare love triangle! ... Why, yes, that is an 80's song reference. =p Yes, interesting subtitles... ^^ The ones that either get a laugh or just get me shot. ^_____^

And thanks, Roo, for the Stats infor for Diaryland! >D This is kinda fun just looking at the list. Though, all seem to be coming from your diary. o.o; And I have had hits from searches of Chest Spasms, Alter Code F and ... ZIM! ^^ Weeeee~~~! Well, I know you already know of big bro and his porno viewing. I was just being stupid when I posted that silly false rant. So, there was no big deal. ^__^ Weirder porn? Like hot barn yard action as gal (and even a guy! o.o) takes in a horse? (Has seen an ad for that. ^^;;;) But, remember where I come from. I'm not looking for weird. ::cough cough:: Ah... Net connection. Oh, well, that was solved! Thanks to my telepathy! ::dusts hands:: ^_^ A few times? So there have been times that it hasn't? ^_~ ::is slaughtered by Roo:: ... But, yes, I too have traumatized myself on many occassions of having no choice to look at my ugly legs. BUT, they are so nice now! ::feels so much better about them:: ^____^ Face it, you're just j-e-a-l-o-u-s~. =p ::is now mutilated by Roo:: x.x

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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