Monday, Aug. 11, 2003
Gwarsh, shucks... ::smitten::


You're An Inu (Dog)! Loyal and protective. A true friend all the way.
You love having yours ears scratched, and being near your loved ones.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

NOOOOOO~!!! o.o This can't be tru... ... okay, maybe it is. @.@;

As I tell the ladies, or mainly Roo, "I point, you destory". ... It's a wrestling quote that Stephanie McMahon said to HHH when they were "married" and Jericho or Angle was making fun of her. I don't remember. Anyhoo, great quote. >D

This Aruna person I found at has a pretty voice... I really like this "Break You Open" song's lyrics. ^^

I've decided to buy myself a new computer since everyone around me seem to be getting one. Why, yes, my computer isn't really that old, but technically it is. All computers are old once they are out the door. @.@ But I have plans. That's right, this computer will be connected to our living room television and will be dubbed the "entertainment bitch". This computer already has a TV-Out card on it which we have been using to watch anime with. We as in the usual me an the girls. But it can also be used for other things that can be taken advanatage of, such as gaming! I already have a USB GamePad Pro connected to this computer which is great. I can buy one more and we're set for team-play or versus play! 4-Player Ninja Turtles arcade play? NO PROBLEM! >D ... That sounds fun... Also, when I finish my RPG, then Roo or Steph or whoever else is in the area can play my RPG just like it was a console RPG! @.@

I don't know what possessed me to do such an action, but I went as far as to pay off my credit card today so that I can do this. ^^ Plus, I get paid early cause our accounts payable person will be going on vacation. >D And with it's credit line, I can get myself one hell of a computer, refurbished and from Dell, of course. ^_^ Here is a happy picture of my idea! Mmm.... full screen porn... @.@ How it'd be nice to live in a house to have an excellent sound system. o.o; Too bad I'm not a part of Roo and Steph's fantasy house. =p ... I'd be dead by then according to their assumption. ^^ ... ... ... ;_;

LOL!!!!111111~~~~ Someone had to cosplay HIM. >D

A gift for my mistress who is beautiful, intelligent, ... ::reads the prepared cue card:: ... oh, yeah, and the greatest woman... ::pauses to read again:: nay, lovliest Goddess to ever exist! ... Thank you. =p

Ah, yes, I failed to mention that on Saturday, I went with my bro to Best Buy only because I wanted to stop by the GameStop in that area (where I ended up purchasing Grandia for the PSOne). As I was waiting for him, I ended up in the anime DVD section, curious as to what has been released. That's when I saw King of Bandit Jing there. ... ... I was hesistant as I already have $25 of A/V cables in my hand as well as just buying Grandia. ... ... I never finished this amusing series nor took the time to finish downloading the fansubs. So, I thought, dammit, fine! It has a shiny box! I'll support corporate America! ... But at the same time, I feel dirty because it's ADV Films (formerly A.D. Vision) that bought the rights.

Anyway, as I was watching episode 2, they introduced the support cast member of the episode, Rose. It wasn't long after that screen capture that I was "Gwarsh, hyuck... cute cartoon girl." I started trying to do a fan art piece of her last night, but I was too tired to form anything nice. So, my mind started to wander at work today. That's when some ideas popped in my head. That link is to a couple of sketches for ideas that I'll probably want to do for some fan art pieces. The one on the left will probably be the first I'll do since it has Rose, Jing and Kil in it. The picture in the center is an alternate to their pose. I'll probably end up having them doing a "looking and searching" pose like the last sketch on the farthest right. If I do that one, it'll have to be in SD form. It consists of the same three and also Postino. Now, I know Rose is not a main cast member, but, like I said earlier, "shucks, cute girl."

One last thing while I'm on the subject of Jing, I decided to switch it over to the English dub track. .., I died when I heard Kil's voice as it was a horrific Gilbert Gottfried impression. Damn dubbing. Kil is suppose to be a womanizer! Not a Iago rip-off! ;_; Do they even listen to the Japanese audio track?

Moving on... My RPG story writing is moving on slowly. I'm happy with how things are coming along. So far, I have major points taken care of, things that cover past and present up to where I am so far, and I have guys wearing dresses! What more could you ask for!? ... Mmm... wasn't I suppose to get to comments the other day? ^^; Oops! Sorry!

::runs off::

1 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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