Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003
Bitch, Whine, Moan

Hmm... I'm wondering if it's my bro or my boss who is reading my journal. Cause someone was doing a search for my diaryland account again, which I still believe is my bro, and cross referencing it to the hosts shows the IP address to the server at my job. ::shrugs:: Meh.

This is for my poor pal, Steph, who is quite ill. Okay, well, not that ill, but we can't come in contact with her. ^^; The idea for this comic actually is based off two things. First, I was telling her the other day that I was going to be so kind to her, that she was going to be sick of it. The second came from finishing up Mick Foley's book, "Have A Nice Day!" There was one part of the storyline where Vince McMahon (the owner of the WWF) turned on his son, Shane. On that same night, Mick Foley was playing up to Vince and Vince claimed that he may have lost a son, but he also gained on. From there forth, Mick did everything he could to make his new "dad" happy until it drove him insane. >D

While on the subject of that storyline, what made these segments great between Vince and Foley were that every bit of it was adlib. Turns out after the first promo when Foley started siding with Vince (sometime before the "dad" skit), Foley adlib some words to Vince. When the cameras went off, Foley apologized cause he thought he did something wrong but Vince loved it. And from then, Vince always instructed Foley to never tell him what he is planning to for their segments and that we would play on it, not matter what Foley did. Foley really enjoyed these segments because he always got the weirdest of facial expressions from Vince. But, yeah, a little wrestling stuff for ya folks who care. ^^

After spending two hours on an advetisement and to hear my boss say "That's not what I wanted" can really bring a person down. ^^ It sure did that to me.

Wow. Noticed my page hits have died down greatly. I blame Roo for this. She doesn't update her diary nor does she talk about me. =p Dammit, I'm suppose to be riding off your fame, woman!

I want to apologize to my visitors of this diary who are actually expecting something. Due to my tired body from my job, I haven't been productive in any way so I have nothing to present. I was on a roll with the art until my boss returned.

Now, for the bitching and whining.

2 fucking hours it took to come up with a new logo design for this stupid product that I have been having to pull out of my ass withing 48 hours. But, that was just the logo. I still have to design the package art and being that the logo is different, so will the packaging as it looks nothing like the previous art. I had a general idea completed by the end of the day, but still will need to work on it as well as fine one that will work. I don't have any pictures to show, which I was wanting to, but that will have to be later. I would also soon learn that my boss forgot another piece of package art that I will need to create. Fun. What is really pissing me off is now she's riding my ass about the webpage. Fuck. I should have NEVER said anything about me working on it. That was my error.

The day itself was not bad. Not as mentally exhausting, but still enough to make me a bit tired. But, the evening made things better as Roo prepared fried rice for dinner. YUM! =9 Gah, I love Roo's friend rice. I don't know how many times I've gone on about it, but I LOVE it. Tonight, I made myself a real glutton. I was so full, I felt I was going to explode. Actually, since I had so much, looking at it as I washed dishes made me a bit nautious. ^^; Gah, I love the stuff. >D

So, I hit the shower and after eating a big meal, boy can the belly look disgusting. ::pokes his outstretched belly:: @.@ Course, my body in general just looks disgusting. This is what happens when you don't keep it in shape. =p ... Mmm... I need to shave, too. My legs are all prickly. ::poke poke:: Bleh. Too lazy. Like everything else, too lazy.

But, yes, so is my boring life. So is my boring diary. FUN!

As for the moaning? ::shrugs:: Porn? Whacking off? There's moaning in either one of those two. I bet you wanted to read that, huh? MWAHAHAAHAHAHAH! Hail evil! ... ... ::cough:: I know, not one of my finer moments. Bleh. I think I'll disappear now. ^^ ::BORED POOF::

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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