Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002
The truth hurts but you have to face it.

So, blah. Yeah... Not much I can really say, I guess. My little personal issue seems fine for now. I just can't screw things up or else things will be over. I spent yesterday doing a bunch of digging around and found an old friend which I'll be hanging out with on Friday. The only problem I have is the girls are taking over the apartment and I can't come home till their done. ;_; Can't they go somewhere, too? It's my apartment as well. Whine, whine, whine. ::bitter:: I'm still feeling blah but that's only cause I'm having to fight myself on the inside, still. I'm just glad I can eat again without feeling sick. SOOO HUNGRY! And I can SLEEP! OH, I thank the gods for I can sleep! Hopefully, hanging out on Friday with my old pals will be a great help in my "rehabilitation."

Speaking of them, I have to ramble, which I know I will be doing on Friday night as well. Turns out the guy has 3 computers all hooked up over a LAN (I thought it was 5, which would have been even cooler.) so they can play multiplayer games. That's not all, they have a X-Box, PS2, SNES, Genesis, TG-16, and other systems I can't remember and all they do is compete each other. Now, this was the original reason why I left some of my friends cause they got TOO competetive. But, what can I do? It's this or take a chance of losing my best friend. Choices, choices. ^^; It also seems they attend death metal concerts, which I don't think I'm ready for, yet. My ears are still recovering from my heavy metal days. o.o; (And I don't mean those awful hair metal bands.)

I said I would have some art to show off, but not as of yet. Check back later and I'll be sure to have some up. In the meantime, check out these screenshots.

This is to a RPG I've been currently working on. I'll be talking about that later.

Unitl then, take care everyone!


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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