Monday, Sept. 16, 2002
It's kinda like "blah."

Yup... I can already tell you that this entry is gonna be about "blah," cause that's how I've been feeling all of a sudden. I'm thinking I'm going through another depressive state most likely because I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. I've tried drawing. Nothing. I've tried playing with my RPG. Nothing. Hell, even tried doing the job related stuff and still nothing. I can't stay focused. Heh, that's why I didn't even post a journal entry yesterday. Been tired lately, too. Went to bed early these past two nights and feel like I haven't slept at all. Blah... Well, I'm sure this'll blow over soon. I mean, we all run into an artist's block from time to time. I just gotta be careful around my roommate. She'd find the answer for me... with DEATH! @.@ ... sleepy... that, and I feel sick. ^^;


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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