Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002
Stubborn and Stupid. o.o

Oh, yeah, quite the day for me. Spent the entire day manufacturing units for that massive order I spoke of earlier this week. Very tiresome. Now, as for today's description, it goes with the manufacturing. ... Twice. Today, I had a goal set for myself and I refused to let anything stand in my way. That was including myself! ^^; It was almost the end of my lunch break and I was VERY close to finishing a set of 75 units which is the goal I was setting for myself before lunch. Well, my body decided to go all spazzy on me and gave me one of my major chest cramps. So, I'm clinging to the desk with the silent scream and what crosses my mind? "Dammit! Must finish this set." ^^ So, I was basically pulling myself to finish the set while hurting in agonizing pain. I managed to finish it but was sore most of the afternoon. Man, to think about it, if I were to croak back in the manufacturing room, no would know unless someone ACTUALLY went back there. o.o;;;

Next up, later in the evening, it was around 5:30-6:00 when all of a sudden my stomach totally spazzes on me and I start to have some major stomach cramps (still do as I type this). Luckily, Roo was gonna get out at 6:30 so that was a big relief to me. I try to finish the next set, aiming for 200, but this time I could make it. I just screw it and bashed my head on the table for a bit. So, went, got Chris, and tried to haul ass home to get some painkillers.

Roo thinks I'm on that time of the month. ^^;;; Egad, have I been around her that long!??? o.o I guess I'll find out next month. ::gulp::

Now here I am, trying to rest and listening to some wrastlin'. ... Mmmm... I'm gonna go take it easy. You all take care! ^_^

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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