Saturday, Oct. 05, 2002
Don't Leave Me Here By Myself! @.@

Update: New Layout
Yeah! It's finally up! After two days of working on this, I finally got the Kingdom Hearts Menu Layout working! Well, there are still a few kinks that I have to fix. Coruse, Roo had nit-pick that this was missing and that was not right. =p I wanted to try the transparent black background for the page but couldn't get it to work. I'll probably need to do some style sheet commands to help things out. I'll also need to find a better picture to use for the background cause I'm not happy with this one. Well, that should about do it for today. I'll gab about other things tomorrow. So long, folks!

Update: Drifting...
Drifting... drifting... drifting... Just sinking away in thoughts... off in my own little world. Man... there's something that's under my skin but I can't pinpoint what is causing me to be down... Is it friendship? Myself? One single person? What affects me... Mmm... I suppose it's just lots of things coming together. I need to distract myself with something. Gah, curse this bummed attitude.

Update: Everyone has a game, including the kitchen sink!
It was bound to happen and luckily it's done by Konami!

Ryouma: "Look at my ass! You know you want it!" ::wiggles::
(Okay, even that was weird for me to type. ^^;;;)

Holy fargin' gah! This game for the Gameboy Advance is so fargin' cute looking. It looks what you get when you mix a fighting game and tennis together. o.o It's some weird love child!!! MUST LOOK FOR ROM!

Update: Saltlick
"... McDonald's fries are number one." Yes, and the secret!? All the freakin' salt they put in it. Seriously, if they replaced their fries with saltlick sticks, would the customers notice? Probably not.

Update: Big Church Rummage Sale
And right across the street from my job! I'm SO there!

Update: pr0n
Don't deny the fact that you're thinking about it whether it's guy on guy, guy on girl, girl on girl, a threesome, an orgy or barnyard animals. Moo, baby, moo! @.@ Purpose behind this post? Cause I'm freakin' by myself! ::starts holding conversations with self:: @.@

Original Post:
Eep! Sorry for not posting last night, folks! Currently working on a new layout which should be up tonight.

Meh, been a long week and here I am at work finishing that week. Gah, this bites. I've been so tired, but refuse to go to bed early cause I want to get things done. Catch 22? Possibly. Been kinda blah on the inside, the usual depression. I thought I got over it, but I guess not. Trying to be nice to everyone, treating my friends when possible, and trying to throw that smile on. I just want to scream, but I don't know why. I wish I knew why I have these sudden states of depression. This is where today's topic comes in. Down side about being the manufacturing is that I work alone, by myself, in the back room for nobody to hear or see me. So, my mind is running a mile a minute as I listen to my music. Most of the time, I TRY to think about my RPG to keep my mind going stray, but it still happens and just random thoughts cross my mind. Normally it's things that are negative or things that will never be (fantasy) and, well, these are the things that make me down. But why do they cross my mind? I guess the whole always being nice thing is not really me? ::shrugs:: Well, I better stop ranting now before I spend the whole day writing a book about it. And defintely need to act good infront of Roo or she'll end up killing me. See these scars!??? She's tried before! She'll try again! ... Um, so yeah... See ya folks later with my new layout.


0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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