Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002
Getting Better

Uncle Sam Wants You!
While going for a little stroll to the local Jack-in-the-Box, I was thinking about the lovely cast and crew to me RPG. SO, I think I'll do a little write up on them!

Masaki - Your young, perky hero who gets caught in a mess and must save the world! Oh, let's not forget his tragic past!
Yuiko - The heroine who runs away from home and must face her emotions in the journey. That, and she's a kick ass ninja!
Davias - Your airship captain who is on the run after being framed for murder. He's a mechanic, he has a gun and... has got to be the stupidest man on the planet. Ironic? Possibly
Knives & Crew - Best buddy of Davias and second captain of the airship. Him and the kitchen utensil named crew take care of the airship and keep it in working order.
Kei - He broods! He angsts! He's not much for words! Let's here it for our black magic puppet!
Hikari - With the foretold wizard missing, this priest is to fill his shoes. Is it wise to choose a person who is only daydreaming of romance?
Koi - Once a student of Davias who got too close and ended up running away. Now a dragon knight because of Davias' training, she searches for him, wanting to return the favor to Davias.
Granite - Your short fused dwarf who spends a short time with the party, searching for the missing dwarf king.
Maple - Archer of the elf kingdom who is sent with the party to become stronger. With a few years before adulthood, the young lass is curious about many things and is very inqusitive.

Well, that's it for now! Well, for known heroes! I'll post more characters at a later time! ... What? It wasn't that informative? Well, FINE! I'll write a 30 page thesis on it next time! YEESH! @.@

Like Father, Like Son
Hmm... been doing some more thinking. Yes, I know I shouldn't be. Just another thought that I might be more like my father than I thought. Well, besides the hairloss, that I worry about the people around me when there may be something wrong. ::shrugs:: Okay, gotta distract myself some more. ::POOF::

Art? Never heard of the stuff.
Well, had a hard time motivating myself to stay focused on something. Then my mind told me that I have a lot of unfinished art and a $400 tablet collecting dust. ^^; So, went and popped open Painter and went to CGing. ... But I forgot I played with my brushes and couldn't find what I originally had it set at. ^^;;; So, went to Photoshop, pulled up a picture that I wasn't proud of and started to CG it. Man, I forgot the strain that can be put on the wrist when CGing. ^^ So, I decided to stop and take a break. Course, I do have a little to show off at least! And here ya go, folks! My horrible pic of Kaidou Kaoru from Tennis no Oujisama. ^^ Gah, horrible positioning and proportioning. -_- Infact, cut off the bottom portion cause it was so awful looking. ^^

Guilt Trip
Mmm.. so far, not starting off as a good day. On Sunday's, Roo likes to sleep in and I tried my best to sleep in, as well, but couldn't do it. I feel guilty having to wake her up. And with the way she was slamming doors doesn't make me feel any better. ... Once we get that 2-Bedroom, everything will get better, I hope.
I'm beginning to understand where my depression might be coming from. I think I might be obesessed with wanting everyone to be happy. That search for perfection? mmm... dunno. GAH! I think too much. >.<

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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