Friday, Oct. 18, 2002
Productivity at its finest!

Thank the gods, it was the Final Fantasy!
Oh, yeah! During my lunch break today, I was watching TV, flipping through the channels when I happen to catch the second half of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Now that I was watching it for a second time, I decided to analyze it like a bastard of a movie critic. >D One thing I noticed was that sometimes their movements were choppy. Like when Aki was climbing up some rocks, she kinda jerked in her movements as if there was frame skipping in a 3D game. Another thing I noticed was times the 3D models looked very impressive and then times, they didn't. Like the main villain: he must have been done by the intern cause his design was awful looking and he didn't quite blend in with the others. Speaking of blending, there were times in which the characters blended perfectly fine with their surroundings and then times they sticked out like a sore thumb, as if on a blue screen or something. Well, either way, it was still amazing to see the detail put into the characters and the animation. Too bad it was such a flop. Wonder what it would've been like if the went with the fantasy route instead of the sci-fi...

Nah, I lied again. ^_^ Nothing much to say to this evening. Spent the night with the girls again, watching anime, Zim, and wrastlin'. Steph is too quiet. Must break her in... She's gotta be screaming, dammit, like Roo does! Which I still find amusing. =p But, yeah... mmm... Finally came up with a design for the company's Flash project. Yippie! I'll probably hate it when I'm done. ^^ Well, I really want to finish this Subaru pic so I can CG it. What? What other pics? Kaidou? I don't know any Kaidou. ^^;;;



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