Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002
I can't think of one. o.o

Mood: Exhausted, yet Good.
Music: Boys Be - Winter IV

Uwaaaa~~~~!!! Man, has this week been mentally exhausting! ... Yeah, yeah... make your snide little remarks. >.< So, yeah, this whole business of me handling graphic works and layouts and whatnot is quite the task. A task I never thought I'd be handling. The only downside I have about it is that of dealing with my bosses. I'm always there to hear what they have to say and it's ending up with them arguing. I wonder why they never got married. They sure to act like a married couple. I nearly lost my patience with the both of them and almost snapped at them both. I wonder if they noticed being that my finger was tapping rapidly on the table. ^^; Anyhow, the co-owner thinks we're always against him, shooting down all his ideas, but I normally agree with some of his views. Then there's the boss... ::shudder:: ... She's always saying "Jon and I" this and "Jon and I" that. It's getting REALLY annoying cause most of the things, I never really stated my opinion on. But, yeah, my patience is growing thin with them both. I'm gonna have to have a talk with my boss if she ever says "Jon and I" again... and I'm gonna swat that hand of hers is she ever touches me again. >.< Ugh.... disgusting... must... cleanse self.

But, yeah,... slept like a log again last night. I mean, gah, I didn't even wake up one single bit in the middle of the night. Thank goodness I had my alarm clock set cause who knows how long I would have slept. Course, it'd been nice... ;_; Interestingly, that's the second night I've slept like that within a week. The first time, I thought it was cause I had a wee little bit of alcohol, but this proves it to be wrong. Maybe there's something else wrong with me, cause we all know how lovely my body is. o.o;

Mmm... now with her online pal, Mike, Jon has run out of subjects to talk to Roo about. Yes, I know I've stated earlier that I'm a listener, but it'd be nice to create conversation for a change. ::points:: Curse you online world for making it easier... or something! Yup. Made Hamburger Helper Lasagna tonight. Added too much water. Roo said I probably didn't have it hot enough when boiling. I thought of the same thing! How do I know this!??? Maybe I'm on my way to being a master cook! YEAH! ... Then I wake up. ^_^; Mmm... her cookie is staring at me. Ate too much dinner to eat it now.... ::pokes the cookie:: Yum.... Maybe after I shower. ::nod nod:: Yes. That and I can FINALLY work on the Subaru pic since I said screw the company's webpage. Yeah~! Go me! Right, well, see ya folks. Gonna go take that shower, then devour that yummy looking cookie, and then art! WOO~!


0 mints on my pillow.

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