Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002
I need to get "Off..." ::snickers::

It's technically Friday right now, but that's only because I went with the girls to go see The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I was greatly pleased with it as I was with the first, especially since I have never read the books. Sadly, I can see how the slashing of Legalos and... the... warrior... guy.... is done. ^^; Yeah, so I only remember Legalos' name cause he kicks ass.

That's about it for my evening. Spent the others parts of it shopping for groceries and watching wrestling.

Getting more and more detailed with the system functions and whatnot for my RPG. Went and wrote more on the development of the "Gun" system as well as the "Arrow" system, since they are sorta similar in how they function.

Well, I better go to bed. Blarg... work tomorrow and laundry Saturday. Fun... I hate laundry days cause I can't motivate myself to get anything done as I wait for the wash. Meh, my own problem. =p

Oh, wait, one more thing. Though Roo doesn't like me commenting on herself, I really do think the all black look works for her. BUT that's just my opinion. ^_^;

Okay, okay, seriously now. I really need to go to bed. I'm sure I had more to talk about, but it's probably now lost in the back of my mind.

Good night!

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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