Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003
That bad feeling...

More Human Than Human
Reading the Wall Stree Journal this morning before my shift began and a picture of a action figure of X-Men's Wolverine caught my eye. So, I started to read the article that it was attached to. Apparently, ToyBiz, the maker of the toys was fighting the government over the import rate they are paying for their figures. If the toy is a doll (i.e., resemebling human features), there is a 12% import tariff on it. If it is a toy, (i.e., robot, animal, non-human), there is a 6.8% import tariff. Well, ToyBiz was fighting over the fact that their figures, the mutants of the Marvel world, were not dolls and that they were infact toys. This upset the Marvel fan universe for the fact that in the comics, these mutants are fighting to be one with humans cause they are humans, too... just with unnatural powers. The judge actually analyzed all the figures to make her decision. She found the X-Men to be toys because of their unnatural abilities. But when it came to someone like Kraven from the Spider-Man world, she thought a man who drinks jungle elixirs was not to be deemed a toy. Anyhow, the fans were really upset about the decision. I'm sitting here scratching my head, thinking, "Their just... action figures". ^^; Plus, it's just a company trying to weazel their way out of a high tariff. So, what? The next comic, the X-Men have to stop the evil toy company, ToyBiz, from marking mutants as non-human? ::shrugs::

With the way Roo is squealing over the Royal Rumble, I'm about ready to put a muzzle on her. =p Joking. ^_^ I kid cause I love and I love cause I kid. @.@

The Wall
Mmm... I think I need to put in an intercom system. This whole yelling through the bedroom door is just not working out. =p

Darn it! I was doing a fan art piece for Suikoden I/II and I started doing Sui II first. The hero came out really nice and close looking and still cute. BUT when it came time to draw Ellie (it was going to be a humorous pic), ARGH! She did not want to cooperate at all. I hate drawing females... I can never make them look cute, beautiful or proportionally correct. ... I'm going back in my hole in the wall. ;_;

There truly is a hell
I was out running errands and picking up some lunch when I saw something that I thought was only something on TV. There was this family, the father, the mother and two kids... all.... apparently bobbing their heads and singing. I felt the evil aura when I got stuck behind them at a red light. They are all satanic, I tell you!!!

Ha ha!
Now I know how Roo probably feels when that darn phone rings while sleeping. ^^ ... Twice. Yup... well, Roo is up, the phone woke me up. I think someone or something is trying to say "Get up". Bleh. Not like I was really sleepy heavily anyhow. ... Mmm... think I'll do that Suikoden fanart that's been in my head.

Why am I still up? ... ::goes back to sleep::

Useful Slumber
It's Sunday morning, 8am... RPG ideas flowing... must.... write them.... down. Huh? What? Egads! A useful dream?? How can that be? ... Damn, even my dreams have pure hatred for my oldest brother. ^^;;;

Technically, it's Sunday, but meh... I tried my best to sleep in today since I didn't have to do laundry. I made it till 11am and couldn't sleep anymore. The problem with me is that I get a really bad headache from doing so. It really sucks. So, I hopped on the computer and did boring things. I really wanted to play Suikoden II but Roo was sleeping. So, I waited. I figure she'd be up, soon. 12pm comes and Roo enters the room handing me the phone. Bro didn't know I wasn't doing laundry. I didn't know I was suppose to inform him. ^^ I thought, "yeah, she's up"! Wrong. Drats... 1pm rolls around. Nothing. I was getting really hungry, but I didn't have anything snack-wise. I decided to wait a little longer since anything I would prepare would cause me to make a lot of noise. 2pm rolled around. Blarg... I played some video games on my Gameboy. Big mistake. My headache got worse. >.< 3pm came by. She's still out cold. I hop on the computer again and start to looking up boring things (arcade classics, suikoden art, video game mixes, etc.). I tried drawing, but nothing wanted to agree with me. 4pm, she's asleep, I'm reading web comics. It's 5pm and the sun is setting. Around that hour, I was able to notice light coming from the living room. I go out and Roo is awake, messing around on her computer.

First thought. Food. Course, I was upset. If I knew this was going to happen, I might have well done laundry today. But what can I say? It wasn't her fault. It's my problem that I'm taking out of proportion. Bleh. >.< Anyhow, so I made some food and locked myself back in the bedroom, cause I felt it was too early too be out there with Roo at the same time. I finish my meal, wash it out and got dressed. We were almost out of sodas. To waste time, I went to the grocery store to purchase more. After my return, I decided it has been long enough to start playing games. I noticed that she was drawing and guilt filled me. I know for the fact that I can't be in the same room as her when she wants to draw. I take the selfish route and boot up the PS2. Yet, thoughout the beginning of play, I felt uncomfortable there, arguing with myself that I live here, too. Me versus me. She eventually goes to the bedroom. I suppose to watch anime since that's where it is kept. She comes out and asks me to kill a bug. I kill it. I feel like the man. The end. Whatever. I try to focus on the game, ignoring my own conscious. I spent a good amount of time TRYING to win the Ridley battle for some stupid reason. After wasting, I guess, 2-3 hours? I said screw it and just continued the game with him getting slaughtered. After the first two times of dying, I got pissed. Read some FAQs, wondering if it was mandatory to win the battle for the best ending or not. None of them really said if it was or not. That's when I said fuck it. I went ahead and thought that I'll just keep trying, hoping luck will be on my side. I played for about, what? 10 more battle trying to win. I think it was after the 5th time, I muted the TV. Listening to the same music and reading the same text over and over was driving me mad. ^^; Right, so... I played for about 5 hours? Well, not quite. There were breaks in between there with me looking up info and whatnot. I stopped to take a shower, which was around 11:30p. I left the TV on to possibly signify that I'd be back. Well, when I was done, the TV was off. I knew I overstayed my "welcome".

As I stated in an earlier journal entry, I went and dragged the old TV into the bedroom. Since I'm confined to my bedroom, I'll change things around. Mainly focused on getting the game system hooked up to the TV. ... ... ... It has no composite connections... ... o.o All I have are composite cables. ... Blarg. My plan backfired. This sucks.

So, my conscious gets the best of me. I mean, was I selfish in my actions? I dunno. I wonder. Are Roo and I like the Odd Couple? o.o; Maybe I need to somehow add in some wacky TV sitcom ... ... wackiness. ... or something. Bleh. I allowed myself to lose again. Yippie... The end.

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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