Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003

Song: Hamasaki Ayumi - Evolution

Argh... now I know why I haven't been drawing lately. Anything I do just sucks. Sure, I can do these simple little SD/Gag pics... but I've been trying to do something serious... something different and nothing agrees with me. ::sigh:: I'm getting frustrated and depressed over it. I remember back when I was school, I was really motivated to draw cause I had inspiration, I had ideas flowing and my brain was being used. Now... with how my friends and family have talked about school, I'm afraid to go back. Bleh, not like I can afford it anyhow. Especially since I need a new car... Anyway, ... blarg... what do I need to help me with this art issue. Mmm... I really want to draw a beautiful female... Possibly a good looking guy to have ladies oogle over so I can be all, "Yeah, I drew that." Bah... Stupid art slumps.

It Feels So Good... o.O
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention... I had another one of those dreams last night... And I had to draw a picture for it cause it was just one of those wonderful experiences that has to be on paper. Hisako, this is just for you! =p

Join the Army!
Yeah! I don't have to deal with the horrible thing at work anymore! It's done! If anything else is wrong with it, tough cookies!!! I completely slept the night away. Normally I would wake up around 4am to um, go potty. @.@ I slept till 7am this morning, woke up, took care of business, and went back to sleep. Woke up around 9am and decided to get my hell over with. I went on my way to find out that it was very cold, wet and raining. Drats. And I forgot my coat. Well, I didn't forget it. As I was stepping out the door, I realized I didn't have it on and said forget it, thinking I was making a lot of noise to wake Roo. My boss wasn't as annoying this morning, so that helped. Finished the job and went to my parents' place to pick up the laundry. As I pulled up, I noticed my parents just returned from another one of their camping trips. Gave them a hand unloading since it was still raining. After that, grabbed the laundry and went on my way home only thinking about taking a toasty shower. And I did take one when I got home. ^_^ Toasty.... Played one match on SmackDown! SYM since Roo was watching anime on me comp. It was against X-Pac (Sean Waltman), so, even for us normal folks, he was easy to beat. No challenge whatsoever. ^^; Showed some of the video entrances to Roo as we laughed at some of the really silly ones: Christian, The Hurricane, Rico ::cough:: and so forth.

Done with that, I hopped on me computer and started to draw something based off Matt Hardy's latest commentary. Sadly, Matt didn't like how I was drawing him and said I'd suffer a horrible Twist of Fate if I didn't draw him correctly. ... So I stopped. But, one part of the picture came out correct. That's right, folks, I DREW A PICTURE! How long has it been? ^^; Beginning of the month, I think? Right, so here it is and all its pointy glory!

Yeah, Teeth with Edgeward! Yeah, see, that's how it should be when he comes down. They should announce it like this: "And coming to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada! Being accompanied by Edge, Edge's~~~~~~ TEETH!!!!" ... Or something to that extent. I mean, this guy has a nice smile and all... but,.... teeth... so hypnotizing.... Like Mary Hart of Entertainment Tonight! @.@

Um, I guess that's about it from this end for the day. I'll see if I can do anything else productive. Until then, ... well, you know the drill by now, I hope. =p

f r e s h�� b r e a t h

WOW!!! It's Gillberg! THE Gillberg!!!! Signing my comments! Oh, gah... Oh, gah!!! ::faints:: ... Wait a sec.... Why does Gillberg have breasts??? o.O;;;;;;;;;;;;; Oh ho, you wacky, Roo, you. Pulling a trick like that. Seriously, folks. Can anyone beat the reigning champ? ::watches Roo pose and be cocky with her shiny belt:: Anyone? ... ... And you'll be shot if you say "Who's Next?" Roo... =p

I know, Sammy! A REAL wrestler! Come on! Let's chant his name and maybe he'll actually win for once!!! >D

4 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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