Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003
And we have plot!

Song: Yasunori Mitsuda - Dragon Knight [Chrono Cross]

Here! It only took me a hour to scan it in cause the freakin' software or WindowsXP hates me... ugh.... ::very annoyed:: So, yeah, enjoy this sketch in all its crappiness!

Well, no real update, folks. Not much else going on. I am still working on my Suikoden fanart and I'll probably have a sample tonight to show ya all. ... Bah... since I've been going to bed early, I've been waking up early. It's now 7am... Yeesh... Course, one thing that's not helping is my hormones are going through the roof again. Yeah, I know you wanted to hear that. Hey, I'll get personal in this journal of mine. So, yeah.... and.. just.. well....... ...... ::locks self in bathroom:: ... ... ::fwap fwap fwap:: oh yeah~... o~~hhh yeah...... ..o~~~...... AH! MY EYE!!! O.x

Yeah, bet you wanted to hear that. ^^; Grrr.... this better push over soon... or.... ... ::locks self in bathroom again:: @.@

Okay! I think I finally got it! It's simple, it's basic, and it sounds like any typical RPG plot! ARGH! Here goes:

Ages ago as the earth was going through a revolutionary age, several metoerites showered onto the earth. The impact was so great that the meteorites were buried deep in the earth. Time passed and the fallen stars forgotten. Nearly after 300 years since the meteorites fell to the earth, something strange began to happen. Year after year, the number of monsters slowly increased. Some common monsters mutated into new stronger breeds not like anything ever seen on the earth. Countries from all around were forced to start a war with these monsters and their breeding grounds. With the assistance of wizards from around the earth, these monsters were pushed back and their population controlled. The wizards were greatly praised for their assistance and became very well respected all over the earth. It has now been nearly 500 years since the meteorites hit earth. A well renowned exploration team had made a great discovery, unearthing one of the meteorites in the Kingdom of [forgot the name]. He reported his discovery to the king. The king ordered the team of explorers to keep the discovery a secret, fearing other countries will want to harness any mysterious powers from it. The leader of the explorers refused to king's order, demanding that he needs the exposure for his greatest discovery. The king was given no choice but to lock away the team and seal away all their documentation and maps. The members of this exploration team requested for their freedom in exchange for the secrecy of the discovery. The king granted their request but the leader refused for his freedom. Little did the king know that the leader made a deal with his crew. On the date of his death, his crew members are to reveal the information of the discovery to the countries around [still don't remember that one country's name]. Soon after the exploration leader's death, an elderly man approached the king of [???]. He was a member of the exploration team and he explained of the plan that his leader has executed. The king has no choice but to send a team to destroy the finding of the exploration team. Bringing the information publicy to his soldiers, he grows fearful of some becoming eager to harness the possible power of the meteorite. A local village chief and close friend of the king recommends someone that he knows from his village with a honest and brave heart. The king takes his friend's trusted word and wishes to see him. Thus, enter our young, plucky hero! ^_^

Um, yeah, still sketchy but it's a start, right? I'd love to hear comments to this idea, folks. Good, bad, it doesn't matter. Hell, I would even like suggestions! ^_^

Well, the ending was rushed cause I gotta go now to pick up me roommate! Cause... ::sings:: It's time~~~! It's time to pick up ROO~~~!!! ::cheesy laughter ala Motorhead:: ... It's all about the Roo and if.... ::is shot:: x.X

f r e s h   b r e a t h

Triple R


Roo, you always think it's about you, huh? Yeah... locker... room... ... I better not say that. ^^;;;; ... Anyhow, I can't talk bad about the champ. I might get fired. o.o;;;

Yeah, Sammy... turn out the comment system is all weird and stuff. Cause, when Roo posted her comment, it still said 0 for some bizzare reason. ::shrugs:: I'm glad you like the story. .. Any comments or suggestions? ^_^;;;

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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