Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003
What are YOU smoking?

Song: MANISH - Wo Sagashite

I hate Mondays... Roo and I rented wrastlin' videos. We saw old Hardy Boys and Kurt Angle's debut match. It was fun. Jon go to bed now.

::read the comments::
Roo: Spelled 'doofus' wrong, doofus.
Jon: ... ... .... AHHHHHHHHHH!!! dammit! ;_; ... ::crawls back into his hole and dies::
Roo: ^^;;;;;; yah, there's something to be said when you try to do a comeback but totally flub it up. ^^;
Jon: Yeah... shows that I'll never win. ;_;
::dies again::

There is no way that kid from the Wizard (that movie that was a big promotion for Nintendo with the kid from the Wonder Years) could have gotten such a high score on Double Dragon. I just played it and that game is ungodly impossible! No wonder why I was scared of that game when I was a little kid! ::has flashbacks and spazzes on the floor::

Uh... second Suikoden pic link fixed. ^^; ... ... And I'm not a dofus, Roo! >.< ... I'm a dork, just like you. =p

Playing Suikoden III today as I washed clothes and got to the part, again, where Nash shows up in Chris' chapter. I don't know what it is, but something about Nash I just seem to find very entertaining. I guess it's his constant reference to his "missus" and my curiosity of the SuikoGaiden series since I'm going through a Suikoden kick. Anyhow, my interest in Nash made me want to draw him. So~ after watching a recording of this week's SmackDown! and taking a nice, VERY short, toasty shower, I hopped on my computer and began sketching. And honestly... This could not have been done by me. I mean, compared to my other Suikoden piece I was working on... this.... is so much better! I was trying to complete the pic before I did this entry, but I knew I wouldn't finish before midnight... So, you get the unfinished sketch. I know that there are a few mistakes in there and some disobeying the law of physics... But I don't care! I'm happy with this pic so far and you're not gonna stop me!!! o.o; Um... that's it for today! ^_^;

Oh! Random thought. During days Roo does the evening shift at her job and as I wait on her, I've been playing Final Fantasy Adventure on my Game Boy Advance. As I was playing through it, I came across something that made me remember where the origin of the "Davias" name that I use came from. It's when you enter the town of Jadd, you're introduced to Davias. ::shrugs:: ^_^;

f r e s h�� b r e a t h

Triple R


Roo, walk it off.

I was wondering what happened to you, Hisako. I don't know EVERYTHING about wrastlin', but I know enough to a certain extent. Send your questions my way and I might have an answer for ya. ... ::shakes leg:: But first, detach yourself from my leg. ^^; ::shake shake:: No, it's when Roo starts dressing up like HHH, spitting water, and elongating the last syllable in her sentences that we begin to be afraid. Yeah, and by challenging RRR, it means she gets to hold the title for 5 months and only allow to lose it to a close friend and then gain it back immediately. Well, you don't really need an alias. ^^ Roo only has one cause we like to make fun of HHH. Now, as for that pic of the Sora looking like Cloud (in my opinion), you can find it here.

Yes.. yes you did, Sammy. ^^

5 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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