Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003
Tuesday Stuff

Song: none

Freedom! WONDERFUL BLESSED FREEDOM!!! The toilet is working! ... ... ... ::runs off and locks self in:: ... This year still sucks, though.

Nope, nevermind. I lied. It appears Nash was nothing more than one of my artistic flukes. Whatever I try to draw now just sucks. ... Ugh... Frustrated and depressed... dammit. And why isn't the damn toilet working... >.< I'm not walking to Jack In The Box again to just use the toilet. Very upset am I... This year sucks so far.

Woo! Another horrible day! >D ... But I'm not gonna talk about that. Mmm... let's see, just typing what's on me mind right now before Roo and I eat dinner and watch wrastlin'. I had an orgasm when she said she was making fried rice tonight. Like you wanted to hear it like that. I love fried rice. I love Roo's fried rice. But then again, I love just about anything Roo cooks. ^^; Yeah, so it's true. Men think only with their stomachs and.... AHEM... Right, yes well...

My mom got her teeth worked and and has some new teeth. She's happy and I'm happy for her. Though, she did have 7 teeth removed and a plate inserted in their place. Either way, she's taking it good, besides the fact that she can't wash her mouth out for a day and that makes me happy. I wished I took it as well as she did. Story time, folks! ^^ I say this cause when my mom was going on about it and showing her teeth off, it gave me the creeps. Mainly cause it reminds me when I had my teeth pulled. See, for some unknown reason, whatever I do to take care of my teeth, they are just gonna be like my dad and mom and rot really badly. For me, it was REALLY bad as a kid growing up. Luckily, it has slowed down almost to a stop. ... I hope. Anyway, My entire top front row were growing in all crooked and badly rotted. There was really no other choice but to either have them rot away or get them pulled out. So, yeah... age 15-16 and I'm having oral surgery to remove the top front row and my dad had them remove my wisdom teeth at the same time. The surgery went okay but it was the aftermath that things went wrong. I missed a week of school because of the surgery. The first two days the bleeding wouldn't stop and blood was clotting where my wisdom teeth were. I became ill because I wasn't eating properly, thus adding to the week lost from school. Then I had to spend another week at school without a plate because my dad couldn't make time for to get the fitting done. This totally sucked because it was embarrassing. I had to explain to the teachers that I wished not to called on because of my little issue. And sometimes, the teachers would forget, saying "Oh, sorry," when calling on me accidentally. My lunches consisted of pudding and sucking on chicken noodle soup and other soft, squishy foods for dinner. And as expected, I lost a few pounds because of the improper eating habit. I didn't speak much if at all to my friends. I spent a good month in depression because of having to have a plate. In the end, it totally suck and even now, sometimes I'll become depressed looking at the plate and my teeth. Thus is why I never show my teeth when I smile (IF and when I smile. ^^). But, yeah... just wanted to tell you this lovely story since it was on me mind. ... I think I've talked about this before. ^^;;;

Right, well, dinner should be done soon. After wrastlin' I will be starting to work on the pic of Nash from SuikoGaiden (and Suikoden III). So, be sure to check back late tonight or tomorrow for an update on that.

f r e s h   b r e a t h


Triple R

Well, Hisako, looks like you're finally getting your push. Oh, who am I kidding? As long as Triple R is in charge and has the backstage power, it won't last long.

How over do you have to be, Roo??? o.O Maybe you are turning into Triple H... ^^;;; Just don't start doing pose downs against Hisako.

Thanks, Sammy! I know you'll like the finished product.... whenever.... I get to it. ^^

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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