Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003
I'm too sexy for no one. @.@

Song: Union Underground - Across the Nation

There's nothing to talk about! I'm HYPER! Now gimme some candy! ... or some lovin' would be nice. @.@ I drew a face! It's me! Wait, it can't be. It's too good looking! I know! I do a dance! YEAH! Go to bed now. WEEEEE~~~~~~~~

Update: Editor's Note

I would just like to make a note due to the complaint from my roommate. Throughout my entries I have written about her, making her look like a really bad person and I would just like to set the record straight. She's not what you really think she is from my entries that I have written about her. Oh, no. She's far more evil than what I have written. I remember the time when this kid was walking across the street while we were out driving... She grabbed the steering wheel from me and ran the poor kid over. It was awful. I wanted to go back but she told me to keep driving or else I'd get no dinner. Another time we had some people come to the door asking for charity and she said she had something to give them. The next thing you know, she's running down the street, trying to mow those poor folks over with her sawed off shotgun. I'm telling you folks, what I write in my journal about her normally are the nice things. Hell, every night, she chains me up and locks me away in the closet until the next day when I have drive her somewhere. She's horrible! Please! Someone save me from this monster!!!!! ;_;

( Editor's Note: She's really a sweet person. I just like to twist her words. >D )

Alright, so Roo and I decide to have pizza this even. As tradition, I make the call and... she sits there. =p Some dude picks up the phone and sounds like a teenager, all cheerful and what not. After I speak to him, making my decision of delivery, his tone of voice changes, becoming all depressed and what not. WTF? Just cause I'm not some ultra hot vixen that you have no chance in hell of meeting, you get all down on me? What kind of customer service is that? Then I realized... I was hurt by that. Am I not sexy enough for ya!??? HUH!??? ... o.o ::looks back at a previous entry:: ... Oh yeah. ^^ Guess not. But, yeah, figure you all would get a laugh outta that. Roo sure did.... >.> And she calls me the jerk? =p

f r e s h   b r e a t h

Triple R


Again, I thank everyone for their comments when I was stupidly down the other day. I'm much better now that I've kicked my brother's ass. ::wakes up:: ... oh.... ;_;

Right! Comments!

... wait... there.... are really any. ^^

Well, all hail the mighty Roo! No one can stop her... well, not until the next big PPV. That's right, Roo, at the next PPV, you're gonna... have to do something... or be stripped of the title.... or something.... and stuff.

Yeah, I know Hisako. My comment system thingy is all funky and what not. Diaryland has yet to fix my problem with the template so I just gave up. ^^ I mean, it works... to an extent.

Yes, yes I do, CTR. ^_^ Nothing like stealing images from WWE ShopZone. >D So, I rock? Well... You scissors! Rock beat scissors! ... ::is shot::

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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