Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003
Sunday Bloody Sunday

Update: Monday stuff.
Not much to really talk about so no new entry for today. Just got my ass kicked playing Legend of Mana on "No Future" mode. ^^; You just hack away at those enemies and there's no end to their HP!!! x.X Oh, yeah, Roo is gonna fix me account to solve this whole "only my account doesn't work" issue. =p No like any of ya folks care. ... All... what? 5 of ya? I know there are more of ya out there! o.o Might I add, I slept like a log last night. Man, I don't even remember my alarm clock going off, though I know it did. ^^ But yeah... Think I'll hit the hay early tonight. ::poof::

Well, it wasn't really a bloody Sunday. It was actually a good Sunday. I just couldn't think of a title for this description. ^^ Mmm... so, what to talk about. Well, I think I'm going to dedicate my Sunday's to my RPG. I've noticed that every Sunday, I've been getting up and going to work on my RPG. So, I guess I'll keep to that tradition. Basically did some more sprite ripping from Suikoden II, completing another set. So, how is the progress of the game? Um... 0.01%? ^^ Either way, it's gonna be a long time since it's a one-man job.

Later in the afternoon, Roo and I went out to do some shopping. Well, mainly for her. I was just there for the ride. ^_^ We hit Half Price Books in search of more wrastlin' videos. We didn't expect to be going in for more. We browsed the place, looking around, trying to find where we were going. We came across a bunch of old software, laughing at some of the old titles. We then came across their used CD section. ... ... It was quite the flashback moment we had there as we laughed at all the old artists that we use to listen to or remembered and asked ourselves: "Where are they now?" But we were actually lucky to find quite a few albums at some great prices. Sure, they were used, but it was still all good. Course, Roo found and I found some CDs that I just recently purchased for almost more than double the price. I died. Anyhow, Roo found a lot for her growing collection, as well as I. Went and picked up a couple of Cranberries albums, one R.E.M. (I got Automatic For The People and Roo picked up Out Of Time.) and one album that I was shocked to find there: a Sepultura album. >D Roo said that was too hard for her. But, yeah, they had CDs EVERYWHERE in this section. We searched the lower bins of CDs that couldn't fit elsewhere and Roo went hysterical when she saw a Fozzy album there. She wouldn't let that go for 5 minutes. Course, I was no better. =p We eventually get to the videos, our main purpose of being there. Sadly, no wrastlin' videos were to be found. Just old cartoons and whatnot that we found to be amusing. We make our purchase and we're on our way. Next stop: Best Buy.

There wasn't much to say to this trip. We reach the store and go in, finding more stuff for Roo. Damn, we should have checked out the wrastlin' DVDs while we were there. Drats. My mind is a little fuzzy here. Guess cause I was getting hungry. So was Roo. ^^; So, yeah, she gets her CDs and some other things and we're off to the next destination: Wal-Mart.

Ah, yes, the always ever-packed Wal-Mart. More stuff for Roo to get. We walk in and we pass by the grocery side of the store. The food smells very good. Mmmm.... Food. She gets herself some new clothes and other things and we're off again! To sit in line... by the food... the good smelling food.

There was only one thing to do. Call up Steph and demand to have lunch, NOW. We get home and I call her up. "Steph. You're hungry." - Unfortunately, we didn't get the answer we wanted. Steph was wondering what we were doing today. That is, if we were suppose to be going out to eat today or not. Meanwhile, as I yak it up with Steph, Roo is literally having orgasms over her new CD player she just purchased. There were lots of things she was new to since she hasn't purchased a new one in ages. Damn, he CD player sure has lasted longer than the ones I've gone through. ^^ So, anyhow, we drop plans with Steph and go out to eat ourselves over at Fuddruckers. Mmm... forgot I have coupons for that place, too. Double drats. We eat our meal, chatting mainly about wrastlin' since it's the main thing we have in common now.

We return home and Roo starts to play with her new belongings. I myself decide to continue my quest in Suikoden III since I am now pass chapter 3 with everyone. I mainly want to finish the game so I can play WildARMs 3. >D I think I already mentioned that... I think. Time passes and it's time to go out to eat dinner with Steph. Afterwards, we return to the apartment once again to watch more Tennis no Oujisama. That's about it. Right now, jumping back and forth between this computer and an old one that I'll be happy to get rid of. We're having a new employee coming in and they need a simple computer to run a server application from. Well, what better way to get rid of that old computer? It all works out and more space is available. Yeah!

There's not much else to say to this day. Um, oh, you'll probably notice the images linked to aren't working. Yeah, Roo's service is messing around with all the DNS stuff, so I dunno when that'll be all fixed. Not saying I'm having an issue with it. Just stating the problem at the moment.

Bah! 11pm already! Curse my job for giving me a short weekend. Darn it.  Not sure what else I can talk about. Things been slow... So... mmm, guess I'll get to the comments and call it a night.

Oh, yeah! Roo's new bunny plush, Spanky doesn't like me. He keeps trying to kick my ass when I'm not expecting it. Course, with Roo cuddling him all the time, I can see why he has objections to me. That's right, Spanky. You're just jealous! @.@ ::realizes he's talking to a stuffed bunny toy:: ^^;

f r e s h   b r e a t h

Champion: Hisako

Number One Contendership
versus Sammy

You and that bunny, Roo. I swear, you're gonna find that darn thing in a boiling pot one day. @.@ Well, I hope you enjoy your match tonight against the next deadliest person in this journal, Sammy! And to make sure it's a fair competition, all your little buddies are barred from the ring!

Yeah, not much you can say about my journal, eh, Sammy? ^^ Do me a favor. Kick Roo's ass and you'll be greatly rewarded. >D

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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