Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003
Creeping Terror...

Update: Birthday Boy
I don't think this really needs an entire new entry. ^^ Yup, my birthday. Um, very hard working day at me job. All I could think of when I picked up Roo was "blah". ^^; I tried some Egg Foo Young today for a little something different from this one restaurant. It tasted horrible and I couldn't detect any hint of egg in the taste at all. ^^;; My bro got me a couple of games after I told him to get me nothing. Grrr. ... A co-worker also gave me a bag of chocolate. I can't really eat it but I'll nibble at it. Plus, I'll share it with Roo. Roo says I'm trying to make her fat. If she goes on about it one more time, then I will start making fun of her. =p Cause, honestly folks, she's not fat. She has a weird mindset. ... POOPIE! ... ... yeah, and that's about it.

Spent the night looking up Transformers price guides cause an old friend wants to buy them all from me. Well, after researching and giving major price discounts (up to 90% on the REALLY horrible ones), I would make about about $210. He offered $100 over the phone. Glad I told him I had to research. I know he won't agree, so we will be negotiating this weekend. I'm aiming for $150 at the most. Nothing lower. ... Mmm.... yeah, that's all! Shower! YEAH! ... 

You know... Sure has been a quiet birthday. Don't get me wrong. It's not a complaint. I mean... just one of those days where I'm all... "yup". ^^ ... and "Dude..". and "Whoa..." ... As Roo put it, I'm all mellow... and you know.... I am! Everything is like "Whatever" to me. You think I was on drugs, like RVD! @.o; ... Right... shower.... ... and it's short hot water length.... ::POOF::

Update: ::is shot::
::snickers:: ... Spin-A-ROO-ni... o.o;

Update: Darnit! Finally!
Finally got the comment system designed to how I want it. ^^ Turns out I was suppose to code in a certain way cause that's how Diaryland can accept it. Go figure. =p

So, yeah... It's my birthday tomorrow. And what would I like for my b-day? Well, what every man wants when their birthday comes along: Birthday sex! ... ^_~ ... Yes, that was my hormones talking. What do ya want? I'm male. ^^; Nah, seriously, what I want begins with 'n'. No! Not nookie. ^^ Nothing is what I want. That's how it is. 

Why? Well, sorry folks, but let me say one thing: When you get older, your birthday becomes less meaningless. By the time you celebrate youre 18th birthday, it goes down from there. And by the time you're 21, you've probably done EVERYTHING before you have reached that legal age. So, yeah, being 21 is currently meaningless in this day and age. After that 21st birthday folks, the only thing you'll be celebrating on your birthday is another year closer to death! That's right! It's down hill from here! 

Why so bitter? ^^ Cause I'm getting old!!! ::shakes the closest person:: I ain't getting any younger! So, what am I gonna do about it? Nothing. ... That's because I don't care about my birthday and I see no need in celebrating it. Unfortunately, there are those around me who must.... It's my birthday! Not yours! @.@ I think this great little song here sums it up best:

Denis Leary - Life's Gonna Suck
Life's gonna suck when you grow up, when you grow up, when you grow up.
Life's gonna suck when you grow up, it sucks pretty bad right now.

Hey, if you know the words, sing along.

You're gonna have to mow the lawn, do the dishes, make your bed.
You're gonna have to go to school until you're seventeen.
It's gonna seem about three times as long as that.
You might have to go to war, shoot a gun, kill a nun.
You might have to go to war when you get out of school.
Hey cheer up kids, it gets a lot worse.
You're gonna have to deal with stress, deal with stress, deal with stress.
You're gonna be a giant mess when you get back from the war.

Santa Claus does not exist, and there is no Easter Bunny.
You'll find out when you grow up that Big Bird isn't funny.

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, when you grow up, when you grow up.
Life's gonna suck when you grow up, it sucks pretty bad right now.

You're gonna end up smoking crack, on you're back, face the fact.
You're gonna end up hooked on smack and then you're gonna die.

And then you're gonna die~!

I always seem to get Leary here mixed up with Dennis Miller. Meh. Yes, I know this is not positive whatsoever in the least. It is nearly an editorial, yes... I'm merely stating my opinion and mean no harm by it. Just what's on me mind. ::nod nod::

Me parents wrote me a $50 check. So I told them I was just gonna  rip it up. My papa says he'll write me another check. I told him I'd rip that one up, so my papa says he'll write another one. Fine, I accepted the cash. Then told them I'd buy a shredder and shred the change! Course, I meant all of this jokingly. I can't really spend the b-day cash. It's gonna be saved up and go towards that new car I have to purchase sometime in the very near future. As for me job, we will be doing a lunch in to celebrate me and my co-workers b-day. Hers is today. ^^ That's about it. Roo is doing nothing so I am glad. I'm sure Steph and I will say we gave each other money without the need for exchanging it. Hell, that's what my twin and I did last year.

Mmm... oh, yeah! Went and tried the pancakes at the small family restaurant by my job for a little bit of change. EGAD! These things were monsters! I could barely finish one of them! I finished the rest during my lunch break. ^^ 

Oh, yeah! Looks like I won't be posting pics for a bit until Roo's service gets their act straight with their systems. I tried uploading pics last night and... well, the uploading was stuck at 66% or something for more than 30 minutes. ^^; I'm sure you're very hurt by this... =p

So, yeah... um.... I really have nothing else to post... so... on to comments!

f r e s h   b r e a t h

Champion: Hisako versus Challenger: Roo

Dammit, Roo! You got lucky in your match only cause Sammy was a no show! I'll personally see that you DON'T get that title from Hisako! ... ... Is it me, but is this comment system now some kind of fantasy wrestling league? ^^;

Yeah, and school roxxors, too, Hisako! ... wait... from the stories I keep hearing from my bro, school scares me!!! o.o;;;

5 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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