Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003
Road to Recovery

Update: Replies.
Finally replied to the comments. And... I would like to make note that I am stripping the title from Hisako and it will be put on the shelf cause... well, it was fun while it lasted to me but I've lost all interest in playing with it. Sorry, folks!

Update: Not for the ladies.
Sorry, ladies. I woke up and my hormones were shooting through the roof. ... So, I went and drew this. This is not intended for anyone that has an innocent mind. I'm sure my small audience of males will like it. And sadly, I'm kinda proud of how it came out. ^^;;;

Update: How Fortunate.
Um, more fortunes cause I have nothing else to really update with:

"Avoid scattering energies."
 - Eww...... o.o

"Do something unusual tomorrow."
 - Wearing my underwear on my head is unusual, right?

"Tomorrow may be too late. Live today"
 - And I got this with only 4 hours left in the day. ^^;

"That special someone loves to see the light in you eyes."
 - Special someone? YOU LIE! @.@;

Update: The other dream and some other ones, too!
Okay, now the other dream about Hogwart's and whatnot. This one is very vague being that the work day made me forget most of it and that I was trying to remember me detective dream. It was very dark and eerie and I was going classroom to classroom. My purpose in this dream? Well, I was evil. >D So, the mission: To kill Harry Potter. FUN! ... Yet, for some odd reason, Harry Potter was already dead. Go figure. Somehow, Hermione was connected to him and killing her was just as good. So, i'm to different classrooms, asking the "evil" teachers what I could do to kill Hermione. They give me advice, information, books of evil incantations and so forth. I begin my search in the dark, spooky castle that is suppose to be Hogwart's. I guess. ^^ I don't get to find Hermione, but I do come across some person that stood in my way and we engaged into an epic battle. In this battle, I suddenly pulled out a big ass shadowy sword with shadowy waves around the blade and dark wings spanned out from my back. And of course, I was dressed in all black. I don't remember what or who I was fighting nor do I know if I won or not. ... I might have woken up... either way, it led into this other dream, which is also very vague.
I just remember some guy chopping wood in a house and I got to close, he missed and slashed my leg. I didn't bleed but it was a weird cause it looked like it was hanging by a limb or something and felt really funny to walk on. My dad gave an inspection of it and thought not much of it, but I insisted that we go to the hospital so I could get stitches for it. We get to the hospital and wait, and wait, and wait... and... no one comes to assist us. My dad gets fed up and we are off. I don't know if this one ended or not, but I know my leg never got the stitches that I wanted. ... The end.

Then there was last night. Three different dreams in one night! Two involving Roo... for some odd reason. And guess what! All vague! Meh. The first was more of a nightmare. What led up to situation is a blur but Roo and I were running from some evil terror of doom in some run down place. Roo slipped from some floor boards and was hanging on for her life. I tried whatever I could to reach her but could not and I knew the terror of the dream was coming closer. ... I guess this dream ended badly cause I did wake up all startled and sweaty. I believe Roo was leaving the bedroom at the time from turning off my computer and the door closing woke me up.
The next had guest star Rodney Dangerfield in it! ... Yes... I dunno why. ^^ He drove up and was picking me up and a group of people who are nothing more than a blur to me. It was very dark and cloudy, the wind picking up as a bad storm heads in. We all pile into the car and our on our way down the road going to wherever our destination may be. From the menacing clouds descended funnels, turning into nasty tornados. Be it me to spaz about it, but our driver, Rodney, was not worried one single bit, as he dodged them like we were in some video game. ... Cause... I could have sworn, tornados were big and sucked things in with their vacuum action... Well, what should I expect? It's a dream. We approach the freeway and merge into the traffic with more tornados coming down from the sky. Rodney eventually comes to a stop wanting to fight one of the tornados. ... Well, the tornado sucked him and tossed him away. The blurred group and I step out of the car, apparently at our destination though we were on the freeway and proceed into a mall. ... Thus leading up to the next dream cause there was an abruption of me waking up and passing out again.
Now for the final dream. Roo and I were walking in the same mall from the previous dream, checking out different shops. I see some old friends from high school and talk to them. I abandon Roo and hang out with them for a little bit. We walk around the mall and talk and I see Roo again. I abandon them and return to Roo as she is exiting an arcade. Things get a little hazy from there and we are in a bedroom, but not like ours. This one had toys all over the place. Mainly Transformers. ^^ I was constantly in and out of this room cause I would be doing random tasks for her in return for different services. Kindness? Uh, sure. ^^ ::shrugs:: The one I remember most, though I don't remember what it was in return that made me do it, but Roo wanted Mac and Cheese. It was late at night and she had a bad craving for Mac and Cheese. So, I'm off in an instant, I believe eager but I dunno way. Hazy. ::shrugs:: I meet up with some guy on the road, I guess a pal of some sort, and I explain to him my situation. He tells me of a convenient store that has excellent Mac and Cheese and some other things that are helpful. I take his advice and boom! Around the corner is that store he spoke of. I enter the store and ask the clerk that I am looking for Mac and Cheese. He shows me to a container in a small glass box (like those that hold the ice cream in convenient stores) with a tub full of his wonderful Mac and Cheese. He gave me a few scoops into a small bowl, wrapped it up and we returned to the store counter. Somehow he knew of my situation and gave me some extra things to take back with me. Before he rang me up, he started to go off on about how he owns the greatest convenient store there is in the world and I believe he was singing about it. ^^;;; Either way, I make my purchase and I off to the hungry Roo. I serve her the Mac and Cheese the she desired and after one bite, she was not happy, saying that it's different. I felt obligated to satisfy her, so I head to fridge, oddly knowing that there was a little bit of Mac and Cheese left over from a previous meal. I take her bowl, mix it up and she takes another bite. Still not happy. Then I remembered that I needed to heat it up cause the leftovers were still cold. Into the microwave it went, out it came and into Roo's stomach it went. She was satisfy! I was satisfy! We were happy. ... and the end.

Yes, there you have it. Jon has been on a odd dreaming streak from his illness. Guess my body is trying to catch up on its rest, no? Well, either way. That's all folks. I'm off to bed possibly to have even more awkward dreams. Until then, good night! 

Yes, I have finally returned from my dismal affair! I caught myself a little bug on Friday and it expanded into a full blown cold/flu/illness. All thanks to my crappy immune system. Anyhow, yeah, quite some time I had out being sick. I went to work on Monday morning, packaged what I could for the bosses to ship on that day and went home afterwards. I tried my best to sleep but every little thing kept waking me up as soon as I was really comfortable and in peace. The first being the phone and my papa on the other end. ... I don't remember much of what he said, but HEY, I was drugged, so not much really mattered to me except for sleep! ^_^ Got myself comfortable again and I believe I was in slumber... I think... I don't really know. Something caught my attention as I was stretched out on the catch. It was a rattling noise and it sounded really close. As soon as I found myself back in this place you call Urth, I realized someone was trying to get into the apartment. Be it I to come to the door armed with my trusty new bat and inspect who the possible intruder could be. I gaze through our wittle peep whole and who be that dares disturb my slumber? A couple of 20-something blond females not knowing that they are trying to get into the wrong apartment. I opened the door and when they see my sick and ugly mug, they immediately apologized that they were at the wrong apartment. They should apologize to all the blonds out there because they aren't doing them justice for all the "dumb blond" jokes. Seriously, ladies, can't you read!??? Moving on. I return to my throne of illness, preparing myself for more non-slumber. I bet you can guess what's going to happen now, right? That's right. I got comfortable again and was about to find myself in nirvana... well, that's until the gods laughed at my misfortune and made the phone ring again. It was my brother that time asking me about something.... again, that I did not cared much about. So, I gave up on slumber and entertained my pathetic body with court television shows..... WHICH are highly entertaining. ... In a sad way. ^^ Like how this one married guy was being sued by his ex-girlfriend for X amount of dollars. Whenever asked a question by the judge, he would look around or at the ceiling, doing some kind of little dance in hesitation to come up with a lie... er, answer. This guy was a horrible liar and a complete sleaze. He was very amusing. >D Speaking of amusing, I have no clue what I was doing but apparently when I am in a sick status of health, I can be amusing, as stated by Roo. Well... I did something for her to say I was amusing. ::shrugs::

The second day I was sick... I did stuff. ... I don't remember day 2. ... What on earth was I doing? ... uh... ... ... I know I was on the road to recovery that day. Well, I know I slept a little more that day. ... Plus, the fact that I had to cause Roo wouldn't let me take her to work. Yeah, I was really pathetic feeling that day. Speaking of being pathetic, it's a really weird feeling when I get sick. I mean, just how weak the body becomes, being easily exhausted from movement and just doing about anything. Man, my legs were just aching that day and when I returned to work. ... Man, day 2 is a real blur to me. ^^; RIGHT, I did watch more TV that day. I forgot how funny Bill Cosby is by watching both "The Cosby Show" and "Cosby". And, ... forgot how awful Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were... Sure, I have no clue what's going on in Yu-Gi-Oh but it was like watching old Batman episodes from the 60's. Every character has to explain what they are doing! And if you saw that special Batman reunion the other day on CBS, kudos to you!

Wait... where was I? .. uh......... Well, dreams! Yes! I had a couple of oddball dreams as of late. The first, a detective story taking place in a local high school and the seconds, a dark, sinister walk through Hogwarts. Yes... Hogwarts. ^^; The first dream began with a tall, female with long dark hair inspecting a fallen body. I was there assisting as she explained to me and the principal the situation. A student has been murdered in an oddly fashion as their body was pierced by many thin pins, but no blood escaped the body. I and the principal were baffled by this and wonder who did this and where from. The female detective rushed up to a nearby set of stairs and climbed them, pointing off to a catwalk not far from she stood. She demanded that there be an immediate locker search of all students. Being that it's a dream, this occurred instantaneously. I followed the detective down the hall, examining lockers and boxes on the floor through the hallway. We turn a corner and walk down the next corridor when two students push through us and exit through the nearest door. We catch a glimpse of a bazooka like object in their hand as they rushed. The running alone aroused suspicion and the detective gave chase. I question her doing but it was too late and she was out the door. I followed after wondering what it was that is happening. I enter the outside of the complex and enter a dirt field. A close by shed is visible and door just suddenly closing. The detective is already in pursuit of whoever it was that went in the shed and she, too, enters. I reach about halfway to the shed in the chase when someone calls out to my attention. I turn to see who it was summoning me. In the distant, I see the bazooka like object being held by one of the students that's standing on a small hill. He opens fire on me and my body is pierced by the small blades of the unknown gun. It did not stop me though as I continued to run towards the shed. The gunner continues his barrage of projectiles on me, my body stabbed multiple times. It became harder to move, harder to breathe, but I continued towards the shed, worried about the detective. A third attack connected with my punctured anatomy. I never made it to the shed as I sprung out of my bed, having trouble breathing as I was in an uncomfortable position in my bed and nose all congestive from the cold. Thus ends dream one.

I will speak of dream number two later, but dinner awaits me! I shall return!

f r e s h   b r e a t h

Yes, Hisako, you will always be the champ since Roo ran away. Plus, I guess she find that pursuing the title was now boring. ^^; Sorry that I had to strip it from ya. But, I'm sure you had fun it's short run. And we see you at our door, you're more than welcomed. Just... well have to talk about your end of the bills cause this ride ain't free. Yeah, I'm glad I'm feeling better, but I've noticed that now I am better, all my bad habits are back. ... Maybe I should just fill myself up with cold pills so I can be back to my RVD personality that Roo found amusing. ^^;;;

Well, you got VERY close, Sammy. Sadly, I had to screw you, too like Hisako and Roo. No more belt. But... I dunno. Will that stop you aiming for number one? Will that stop anyone else now that I think about it? ^^;;; Yeah, I'm glad I'm better, too. Thanks. ^_^ ... though... it was kinda fun being all pathetic and weak and on my death bed... ... Damn. Mixed feelings! @.@

Well, Ikari, you'll never have the title now. ^^;;; And no one else, either. Sorry! Thank you for the birthday wish, though. ^_^

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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