Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003

Egad! What a crazy day! My boss needs some project I've been working on by Monday so I was like "Okay, I'll come in on my day off (Friday) and work on it." ... Then I realized that there are no shipping services Friday. ^^;;; So, I'm spending the day hauling ass trying to design, program, and print this project to get to her by Monday. It's basically some kind of book/CD combo promotional item. The book is no problem. The CD is the nightmare because of the programming and whatnot that is behind it. EGAD! And there is suppose to be this video provided with it that is apparently not functioning on certain machines! WAAAAAA~~~! So, that's not done. ... And with my artistic funk, it's very difficult trying to create a fancy new layout without being repetitive in the style of other projects since this is suppose to be new. Heck, I don't even have a cover to the book, yet! The only thing that was on my mind was sleep when 8pm rolled around. Course, if I didn't have to pick up Roo, stupid me would have been working till the wee hours. So, I come home and CRASH! ... It's now 3am... I haven't showered or shaved. I'm gonna be a smelly boy today! ... If I finish this project early, I'm going home early to wash up. ^^;;; Damn, and I had so many ideas flowing through my head that are now lost. Dag nabbit! ::rant rant rant:: I was acting like a major dork on my own in that office getting all happy over such little things. Like having Macromedia Flash work inside Macromedia Director. I'd be bouncing up and down clapping my hands like I saved the world or something. ::dork::

In the end, I am SOOOO glad it's going to be a 3-day weekend. Though, Roo is bragging about her 4-day weekend. =p Forget laundry, Roo! We're wearing the same clothes again for another week! You're going to be stinky with me! MWA HAHAHAHAH!

And I wasn't sulking, Roo! ...but, I do owe you an apology. I should've said something instead of just killing the mood. So, yeah... ::scratches head:: I did it again. ^^; Sorry.

Right, well, I gotta get back to bed. Gots another long day ahead to finish that project. WEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~!

0 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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