Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003

A very CUTE Transformers parody comic page.

Roo wanted to remind me that I'm a dork. ... So,... for people who want to IM me, you can now find me under the AIM screename "Dork Kun SD". ^_^ Blame Roo.

Downloaded a new Japanese drama that's suppose to be a comedy, but I'm having a hard time watching it. Why? Because of subtitles like these:

  • I want to the reason of retirement
  • You fine. I am Utou
  • Work until so late, bother you.
  • Just feel that it's not smart already after mention it.

Yeah... It's just like playing a good ol' video games from the 80's.

Other than that, work was crazy as I rushed to finish that major project for the company. Barely got it done 20 minutes before the delivery man showed up. I half-assed the cover art. Of course, every step of the way of trying to finish it, something tried to stand in my way. Well, HA! I showed them!

Unfortunately, not sure if it's the job that has done it or if it's something else but my chest pains are back in full force making everything uncomfortable. Been like this for the past few days which is not good. Was gonna try to sleep but I'm hurting too much to do so. Trying to cut down on the sodas to at least 1 a day and drink more water.

Damn, I hurt and I'm tired... ::bitch bitch bitch::

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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