Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003
KULL the [insert title here]

Today was the usual boring laundry day. To pass time while the clothes were drying, my bro and went to GameStop cause they were having a Buy 2 Used Games, Get 1 Free sale thingy. And he wanted to go anyway, so we went. So, I picked up Soulblazer for the SNES, Parasite Eve for the PSOne, and Mario Kart Super Circuit for the GBA. Then I saw it there. USED. GameCube, $70.00. ... ... I then decided, I will own one! I didn't pick one up though. That will have to wait till my next paycheck. Finally, there are titles that I am seeing worth purchasing for the GameCube. Of course, there is Zelda: the Wind Waker and I am interested in purchasing the new Wario game that is coming out. Plus, there is the Sonic Mega Collection that I KNOW I will want to purchase, including the GameBoy Player for the GC.
Actually, now that E3 is over with, there are quite a few titles out there that actually look promising. Finally, the game industry will pick up since everyone is done holding out their best for E3.

Other than that, the rest of the afternoon was spent watching TV. Such as Kull the Conquerer. My brother and I felt that the title didn't do it justice, so we felt we knew what was best:
Kull the Illogical
Kull the Frustrating
Kull the Bad Movie
Kull the Plot Hole Laden
and my favorite
Kull the Unrefundable

Tomorrow, my car goes in the shop to finally have the AC repaired after burning it out 3 years ago to Project A-Kon in Dallas. ^_^;;; To save my brother the trouble of transporting me, I have decided to spend the night at my parents' house so that it'll be easier on him to take me to work since we both work together. Sadly, Roo will be all alone all day tomorrow. She doesn't like that. But, that's okay. I have a way of making her feel safe and not alone. >D

I'm sure you'll hear about it tomorrow on her journal if she posts about it. ^____^

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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