Friday, Jun. 13, 2003
It has meaning! ... oh... wait. No it doesn't. DUH!

Ha! Not even god will stop me from the sin that I have done! Well, he tried twice but realized there's no hope for me. @.@

With all the owning going on at Roo's diary and the fact that someone claimed ownership to Riku's ass, this funny idea came to me head. Just don't ass me about it. This should go down in the "Creep Roo Out" file.

Man, this Friday the 13th wasn't as lucky as I was hoping it to be. Oh well, not like it was bad, either. So,... ... it's all good... right? @.@


It is true, Em I do not know you nor do you know me. But who is to say that we know when there is no knowing to know. As for this fair trade. ... I can't. You gave no link, silly. =p

Thank you, Hisako. Perv!? Me!? Shh! Don't let anyone know! =p Yeah, spiffy is good. ... ::snickers:: "Spiffy." Technique? ^^ The technique was going through the piece using the eraser tool in Photoshop to clean the lines. ^^ Actually, there are a lot of faults in there. Mainly here hair. But, meh. I'm not aiming to be a pro, so who cares! Have fun! Oh yeah! Roo made fried rice. It was GOOOO~~~~D! =p

Well, it wasn't really that weird, Ikari. Actually, as I was thinking about it today at work, the way it was presented, you'd think it was a TV drama or something. @.@ As for those Gunbird endings, all of Aine's endings were HI-larious! I dunno how he got all those guys in bed, though. o.o Well, besides the blackmail ones.

I think my dream is trying to tell me something. I had two dreams involving the same subject. The first was me meeting this girl with a group of friends. We are friendly with one another and eventually, I ask her out. We have a date, the end.

The second one is a continuation of the first. I try calling the girl to ask her out again, but I am unable to get through. Yet, I see her on TV in this weird Pee-Wee Herman/Back to School/Simpsons mix television show. @.o Eventually, I have to go to work that evening. On my return to my parents house, which is where I apparently live in this dream, it is somehow Christmas. There are presents under the tree and and my mom is already opening one. I wonder why my mom is alerady opening them then I realized tomorrow is Christmas and my parents won't be home. I find my dad in the kitchen and I asked if that girl I spoke of has tried calling me. He goes ballistic on me wondering why I'm bothering with that girl when he felt there was another girl better for me. Course, it is a dream, cause I know my dad would never do something like that. Anyhow, I push that off and find my brother on the phone. The only thing I remember of that is that he said he was some famous person and that I was Meatloaf. I make some weird impersonation as I walk by him. ... That is where the dream ends cause my alarm clock went off.

If I didn't know any better, I think my dream is trying to tell me something. ... ... BAH HAHAHAHA! What on earth am I talking about? It's a dream. They mean nothing. ::goes on with his merry life::

I'll reply to comment later. It's morning right now. I should be getting dressed. ^^

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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