Sunday, Jun. 15, 2003
It's so wittle and cute! o.o

Swanky... Diaryland ad that says "Water Ballet is My Life" and it shows a picture of a Sea Monster from those old 60's horror movies. >D

Anyhow, spent the day playing Zelda the Wind Waker. My first impression? Damn, Nintendo finally made a comfortable controller! As for the game. Gorgeous. Splendid. Fun! Well, besides me getting frustrated cause I'm not use to the controls, yet. There are some camera issues, but when is there not in a 3D game? And, damn, is Link adorable in this title! I LOVE crawling around and sneaking up on (as Roo would say) PIGGIES! Egad, though, the first time you go to that Fortress and have to sneak around. My hands were sweating from all the sneaking around I had to do. I was so powerless without my trusty blade! Right, well, defeated the first dungeon and what not. WEE~! A really great game so far!

And felt like drawing something somewhat sentimental/symbolic. ... ... Right, well, I just wanted to draw nekkid people. >.> I have something in mind for the ladies tomorrow. A cute little 4-coma I thought of this morning. As for my nekkid pic, I rushed towards the end cause it's a pic that I don't really care about that much. Thus is why the proportions might be a LITTLE off... ^^

It's rather late. I should be going to bed.

Now that I look at this sprite, egad is it ugly looking! >.<

I remember finding this tutorial one day while surfing for game sprites. Well, decided to look it up again since I couldn't motivate myself again. The results? This:

The face isn't really all that satisfying, but meh. It's my first attempt at that Capcom fighting style. I'm tempted to do more if it wasn't so late. ^^;

Man, I wish L'arc's music was more like this song.

Roo wanted privacy tonight, so I couldn't put the GC to the test. Meh, I still had a lingering headache anyhow. I tried to work on stuff, but body wouldn't let me. So, after watching the first episode of Love Generation, I decided to take a nap. A nice 4 hour nap. Mmm....... I feel better now! Wee~! Gonna work on some sprites! You know, that RPG thingy. I'm now looking at a 3012 release date. Anyhow, about Love Generation, it's interesting to see the main stars play completely opposite roles to their previous hit, Long Vacation. BAH! is gone. >.>

I would be drawing but I have this stupid cut on the tip of my index finger and I've been opening it back up every time I draw. BAH! So, gotta let it heal until I can draw again. >.> Dag nabbit...

Oh yeah, Em... I guess I need to fix that comments page since I didn't see the link. HAHAHAHAHAHAH....... ^_^;

If I see another ad for that damn new Charlie's Angels movie, I'm going to smash my TV... THEN I SMASH the studio that DARED to make the sequel. @.o ::huff huff::

I bought a GameCube with Zelda. ... ... Watch it collect dust like all the other systems! ^_^

2 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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