Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003

I'll talk about my dream since I have nothing else to talk about! I was walking in a mall of some sorts. It was very dark, I am assuming it being night time. Then I see a group of people, all unfamiliar faces except for Roo who was in the group. We meet up and everyone exchanges greetings. Roo seems very bored in the group. Dunno why being that I know NO ONE from the group. The dream continues. I'm on my own as the group continues on their path through the mall. Time passes and I find myself walking into a store. In the store, I happen to catch Roo in there looking at all the weird trinkets and merchandise. She was studying really hard a puppet that looked like Arthur from Ghouls & Ghosts. She had to know what the feet looked like as it was driving her mad. I look around and find a larger version of the puppet not too far and hand it to her. She thanks me. ::shrugs:: I have no idea what the puppet and Arthuer have to do with anything. Anyhow, we leave together and I noticed that she is no longer with the group. Why, I dunno. Plot hole? Not that the dream really has a plot. Then... ::mumblesomereasonsappymomentmumble:: AND continuing, we reach a crossroad of the mall and she notices the group down on one end of the mall and tries to hide from them. I think she explained to me why she was avoiding them, but I do not remember. While she's not wanting to be with them, I have a sudden urgency to rush to the bathroom. She decides to hang out at a close by shop as I rush to do my thing. I reach the end where the "group" was but they are now gone. I do catch a janitor who is actually singing a riddle of some sorts about locking away the restrooms or something. IF I could have remembered his song, it would be a miracle. I guess reading Lord of the Rings made me dream that. ^^; So, I'm about to explode as I climb some stairs to the restroom, my life on the line. ... ... Then my alarm went off. THANK GOD! Cause I really was going to explode. ... Nice to know, huh? ... Man, I'd hate to know the embarrassing outcome of this IF the alarm didn't go off in time. ^^;;;;;;;;; YUP! Nothing like embarrasing myself! WEE~!

Reading about Steph's perversion over at Roo's journal. Steph seems to pull off that witty perversion that you can't help but laugh at. ...meanwhile, my words are just perverted. Curse you, young lady for your... talent! ::envious:: =p ... Perv. And update your journal, young lady! =p

::snicker:: ...masturbating... ... Comedy gold. Hehe.

I guess it's back to work on my RPG because the gods are not allowing to draw anything decent anymore.

Bored... ... ::plays with a ball of yarn::

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! This current project at my job is sucking away at my non-existant soul!!! ::dies of tedious boredom::

Okay, firstly, sorry about yesterday. I'm feeling much better now. ::twitch:: Nah, seriously. We all have those moments, right? Moving on, it is time to rant.

If you people have not seen it or do not have it, there is a gaming cable channel known as G4. Their programming mainly consists of horrible shows with horrible hosts and lots of advertising for their own station, unless it's a Pringles commerical. There are only a few shows that I enjoy watching: Judgement Day, Icons, Cinematech, and Blister. Well, when I go to my folks' home during lunch here and there, I like to watch Blister cause the host actually has a personality that doesn't seem fake. He's actually entertaining to watch versus, say... Portal (Note: Watch Portal if you want to cringe in pain ). Anyhow, G4 is shoving down our throats some stupid awards show known as G-Phoria. About every time I turn on the damn station from hell, they are showing their shitty review show with a group of people from magazines/shows that nobody reads. These "experts" give their opinion on who should win what category they are going on about. I feel sorry for the host, Victor Lucas, cause he's a cool host from Judgement Day. In the end, my rant is that nobody cares about your stupid award G4. It's just as important as the Blockbuster Award or any other pointless award that is out there. Now stop interrupting your GOOD shows with your CRAP!

And the only reason Judgement Day is good is because it came from TechTV. The hosts of that show, Victor Lucas and Tommy Tallarico, have great chemistry and they are also the writers, I think. So, yeah... It's good. Watch it. ^^ Now TechTV has a show called Extended Play (X-Play) which has been on for a while. The show was alright, but ever since they added Morgan Webb ::swoon:: to the cast, the show is extremely better. Her and the co-host, Adam Sessler, have a good chemistry, too.

Oh yeah, check out The Screen Savers and Call for Help on TechTV. Great shows. Great hosts. Especially Leo Laporte. ^_^

... ... ... Uh, yeah, I think I'm done. Lunch is almost over. Better get my butt back to work.

3 mints on my pillow.

ifni no miko
saint purin
son gosai

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